I trust that this prayer letter finds you well and in good health. God has been so, so good to me and to my family, as well as to the ministries.
As a whole, my evaluation of the works for the year of 2023 was not good, but we just kept our faith and kept moving forward with the ministries. Due to the countrywide political situation, things were in bad shape, but I am glad that all of my preacher boys and their families kept going on, kept seeing souls saved, and continued carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost when the military pressured and gave several problems, destroying and bombing churches. Christians are having more unity and more praying across the country. I thank God for these bad situations. The children’s homes (Agape and Faith) are functioning well, and they touch and bless my heart. We plan to accept more orphaned children in the future. The staff members are doing a great work. Thank you for your supporting me faithfully since 2005. It has been such a blessing to have your support.
Our Christmas celebration was just huge, and it was well done, as well as the New Year’s celebration. The regime’s local government allowed us to do what we wanted freely, but many churches were not able to celebrate because they were afraid of bombs and curfews. But in our church, we did well. We had a Watch Night service, and that was a blessing. Welcoming the new year is a good starting point.
In 2023, I baptized 62 people in total and planted 1 local church at Shan state, Ahkha Baptist Temple. The church has 88 people, 46 families, and 52 baptized members; the rest are children. Some are going to be baptized. The pastor leading this new work is Pastor Solomon Aung Thu Ra. We will be having a Missions Conference at this church February 21- 24, 2024. Please pray for this conference.
We have 26 pastors and their families who are preaching and carrying the Gospel of Jesus, trying to reach out more people and plant more local churches. Again, these churches will multiply. This is my strategy in the ministry. We pay one pastor’s family $200 per month for five years, plus their tithes and offerings. After five years, we move on to supporting another well-trained pastor (church planter), who is in our Bible institute undergoing training. God has been leading us in this simple way and planting projects since 2005. We will be planting more churches in the future. Please pray for us. This is my prayer. Amen.
1. When we were in need because of bad flooding in the children’s home, Pastor John Wilkerson and the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, helped us out with $5,000.00.
2. Military regime coups bombed Kalay Myo Gospel Baptist Church, and five families were arrested for two weeks. Pastor Kevin Lee helped them out with $1,200.00.
3. I got in an accident in my truck. My car insurance company paid for the repairs of $260.00, which is equal to KS4688000/- in my currency.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for my health. They took pieces of stones out of my right kidney. I still need a medical checkup.
2. My wife is suffering from back pain.
3. The daughter of my preacher boy, Timothy Nim, was in a motorcycle accident and needs an operation.
4. Pray for the country’s political leaders and situations.
May God bless you all richly, as you love Him and serve Him in truth.
Yours sincerely,
Pastor Paul T. Lung
Calvary Baptist Church
Your Missionary in Burma (Myanmar)
- Children’s Home
- Baptism
- Baptism
- Baptism
- Children’s Home
- Baptism
- Happy New Year!