Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Back in the StatesWe made it back to the States! By the grace of God, we narrowly avoided missing our flight due to yet another visa issue, making it just before the gate closed. Although it’s only been a month since my last prayer letter, I feel compelled to update you more frequently during this season of uncertainties.

I write to you with a heart overflowing with both joy and sorrow. Our abrupt departure from Turkey, during a time of tremendous growth in our ministry, has been physically exhausting but spiritually rewarding.

Before we left, I had the privilege of meeting with a retired colonel, a man of great respect and influence in his community. For the first time, I was able to introduce him to Christ in a way he had never heard before. The Spirit of God was upon me, and His words cut deep into the colonel’s heart. He shared that he had woken up that morning feeling that something life-changing would happen. After our conversation, he said his heart burned within him, and he knew his life was forever changed. Shortly after, he accepted Christ as his personal Saviour.

Another young man heard the Gospel for the first time and was profoundly moved. He expressed his desire to become a teacher of the Gospel like me. The following week, he brought his friends to hear the message. They, too, were deeply impacted and wanted to bring more friends . . . if only there was more time. One young man, whom I’ve been witnessing to for years, visited me just before I left for the States. Our conversation delved deeply into his commitment to Islam. By the end, he could barely speak, as he felt the foundation of his faith begin to crack. Despite this, he cherished our relationship as we parted ways.

God has made it abundantly clear through numerous signs that leaving Turkey for this brief time is part of His divine plan. Before we even knew our visas would be denied, several events unfolded that demonstrated God’s hand at work. My Turkish teacher went on vacation. All my Turkish students concluded their classes simultaneously. A group planning to visit us canceled their trip. These small indicators, and many more converging together prepared us for our sudden departure and reassured us that God is in full control.

We are still praying for clear direction and wisdom for our future, but we are confident that we are in God’s hands as He continues to provide for us. It seems our only option now is to raise funds for a building, but the amount required is beyond what is reasonable to ask for. We are facing our Red Sea to get back into Turkey. Praise God, we serve the One Who parts Red Seas! I encourage you to watch and pray with us to see what God will do. If Jesus can feed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, then He can multiply our offerings to meet the needs for a building.

I do not know what God’s plan is, but I know it will be amazing! Let us remain steadfast in faith, watching and praying together.

Missionary #6506