In recent weeks, we have seen four salvations: two in Southeast Michigan and two in Afghanistan! I had the blessing of leading two souls to Christ in the Dearborn region. One was a shut-in named R___, who was moved to tears at hearing the Gospel as my wife and I stood in her living room. As some of you know, B___ is our ministry to the Afghani people; we have three weekly Bible studies reaching into that country. M___ is a Persian friend who conducts one of these services. This past week, he was able to lead two Afghanis to the Lord! M___ and N___ were eager to hear the Good News, and they did so at a greater risk than ever. We are told that the Taliban have been going house to house in Kabul, seizing money and valuables. Please pray for these courageous people as they grow in the Lord!
Our great thanks to all who have been praying and sharing our financial need for our trip to C___! In June, five of us will be traveling to preach a revival conference with a partnering pastor there. I will also have time to evaluate our radio work in the city, which has been thriving! We are approaching 50,000 visits, all of whom have been exposed to clear preaching and the plan of salvation. While there, we will be in the homes of numerous believers and visit as many as nine churches of like faith spread across the city. Please pray that I will be able to meet six men who have reached out to us through our ministry there (Egypt for Christ). I’ve received the names of four of the men: A___, M___, A___-A___, and H___. It would be my life’s joy to be able to meet these dear men and see them come to Christ!
We have four important prayer requests to share:
• We need added funds to offset plane-ticket costs, travel expenses, Arabic New Testaments, other soul-winning materials, and supplies for M___ and G___, two pastors who serve with us in Morocco and Egypt, respectively. We are trying to raise $4,000. Any amount that could be sent through FBMI for these expenses by May 1 would be deeply appreciated. God has been faithful to us for many years!
• While I am overseas, my wife and the kids will be spending some much-needed time visiting Grandpa L___ and family in Maine. My wife has worked tremendously hard this past year. Please pray for her as she enjoys some rest and relaxation in our home state. We hope to have a brief “second honeymoon” when I get back!
• Please pray for safety as we travel through a volatile part of the world to a country that is hostile to the Gospel. Like Morocco, Egypt is about 99% Muslim. Pray that we would remain safe during our visit.
• Please pray for our partnering brother in Iraq, who, by the grace of God, was able to return to his home in B___ this week with his family. We are eager to lay groundwork for a collaboration there over the next two months. Please pray for God to bring this to pass in His way and in His time.
• Lastly, I will have the opportunity to travel through much of the United States this summer. Many of you have not seen us in several years. If you are interested, I would love the opportunity to preach for you, give a detailed update, and show you a brand-new video with amazing details. If you would like to have us in, please email me with a good time and number to call you. I would love to look at some dates with you!
You have been so faithful to stand by us. Thank you for your prayers, friendship, and generosity. We have all prayed, “Even so, come quickly!” The turmoil and suffering we are seeing in this world is an answer to that prayer.
Gratefully in His service,
Missionary #6505