“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” (II Corinthians 9:8)
Sharing the Good News
In the last couple of weeks, I have had multiple opportunities to share the Good News with young men. J___, a college student on the train, was eager to talk about our Friend. Also, at the meetings, I was able to share with some men. Even one of my students was able to hear last week. Although I believe our Father helped make the Good News very clear, none of the young men immediately accepted. Please pray for these young men to accept our Friend’s gift!
Moving to a New House
Our Father has given us a new place to live. We feel blessed, and we are enjoying everything about it! It is very large and allows us to have more room for classrooms, both on Sunday and for homeschooling. We are thanking our Father for this answer to prayer!
Regarding the Future
It has been very clear recently that this country is attempting to make it more difficult to obtain permission to stay. Although we personally have not had any changes, we have been doing research to help those who desire to serve here. Within the last year, our city has begun requiring new English teachers to have graduated from an approved university. Last week, when asking about business visas, we were told that, generally speaking, all new foreigners coming to our city either need to meet the new education requirements or personally invest a large sum of money in a new business. We had been under the impression that the requirements would be different for businessmen and their employees. Please ask our Father to give us wisdom and direction in this area.
Making It Clear
After coming to this place in 2011, we were pleased to find that our Father’s Book was easy to buy at government-approved meeting places. We occasionally bought some of these ourselves to give to others. A couple of years ago, because of safety concerns, we began buying these Books through a friend. When I asked him this week about buying more, he told me they are no longer available. Throughout this place, the approved meeting places have stopped offering these Books for sale. It has been reported that the government is working to rewrite a more patriotic version of this Book. While I do not rejoice at this turn of events, I am glad that our enemy’s lies are still able to be exposed by the Truth. Please pray that the people here will still have access to our Father’s Book. Please also pray that our Father and His servants would make the Truth very clear! His people in this place need the Father’s grace and strength to stand for right in a dark time.
Rejoicing in Hope
We are excited about the opportunity to serve here! We are excited to see what our Father will do! He brought a passage to mind last night. Today, He reminded me of this passage again: “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” (Romans 12:10-12)
That all the earth may know,
Missionary #6020 and Family