Hi, this is R___ S___. My husband and I thought you would enjoy hearing about this lady’s perspective of our family on deputation. Whether it’s our son telling his sister to “Be Quiet!” while she’s crying in her car seat or the runway of outfits our daughter goes through in one Sunday, it is always a blessed adventure.
One of my favorite things about deputation has been the opportunity to meet and have fellowship with some incredible people. We have been so very encouraged in seeing these pastors, their wives, their families, and their church families partnering together in their place of service. These are people who are doing the work where God has placed them. It is so very encouraging to us to see that soul winning, standards, missions, and other core beliefs have not been cast aside. The many kindnesses shown to our family by God’s people have had a tremendous impact on me. Something that blesses this lady’s heart is when people go out of their way to be a blessing specifically to our children. People have not forgotten about our kids, and that, in my eyes, is so kind.
Other blessings about traveling on deputation are that we get to go to new places as a family. There are many parks we get to visit together along the way! Although traveling with kids, packing for a family, and keeping everyone happy are challenging at times, the blessing of being together is priceless. Our son and daughter are great travelers. For this, my husband and I are so very thankful. Both do very well in the car for extended lengths of time. Both are just in training for flying overseas. We are looking forward to transitioning to another country and even more to settling in there.
Answers to Prayer
This past month, I have been praying fervently that I would get to talk to someone about the Lord. My husband usually has more opportunities to go soul winning since we have two young children. Well, on March 5, K___ became the answer to my prayers. Truly, God had prepared his heart to believe, and he was ready to receive Christ. Praise the Lord for so great salvation! Please pray that we can get him linked to someone who can help him grow while we travel.
Prayer Requests
Several months ago, my husband and I knocked on a lady’s door and invited her to our church’s Christmas Program. She has not been able to come since. I have consistently invited her through texts, and we have been unable to connect during the week with the intent of witnessing to her. Well, just yesterday, T___ texted me, asking if she could come to church. Well, we are currently out of town at a meeting, and she chose not to come with our not being there to be with her. This caused my heart to sink. Traveling has made it difficult at times to get to follow through with people we met while soul winning. Please join me in praying that she and I will have a chance to talk about her eternity.
Prayer Requests Specifically from My Heart
1. Salvation of our children
2. Training of our children
3. Witnessing in the way
4. Holy Spirit’s power
5. Meetings scheduled
6. Languages studies
7. Health and safety of our family
Thank you again for all of your prayers, for the love shown to us, and for your monetary investment. We know that all of these put together are so very impactful. Thank you for your partnering with us.
Here for Him,
Missionary Wife #6013