Missionary #6004 Prayer Letter:  The Blessing of Being Where God Wants Us to Be“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it . . . .” (Isaiah 30:21)

We praise the Lord for His guidance and wisdom in our ministry. We are rapidly approaching our first-year mark of being in Taiwan and our 18th year of serving the Lord among the Chinese people. What a blessing it is to be where God wants us to be, doing what God wants us to do. If you do not know where God wants you to be, I invite you to consider the mission field. There is not a place on the planet that could not use a good Gospel witness!

Taiwan is no exception to that need. While at the night market in February, I came across a young man who goes by the name U___. I ended up meeting him for dinner several times. Each time, he asked questions that led me to present the Gospel to him. The first time I inquired about his thoughts on the Gospel, he changed the subject. He seemed open but unsure. One time I invited U___ to meet with me and another missionary. He heard the Gospel and again gave no real negative or positive response. During the most recent meeting, a question came up about my work. I told him of all the good people who sacrifice to allow my family to do the Lord’s work here. I also mentioned that you all pray for us and the people we meet. I told him, “There are people who are praying for you to believe Jesus.” He was shocked. With the sincerest words, he told me to say thank you to you all. This opened the door to a great Biblical talk. He had some common curiosities about Christianity, as well as questions as to who has the opportunity to be saved. This was one of our best discussions yet. Please pray for Ulysses to be saved as I try to keep up with him. Since that talk, he has moved to another city but wants to keep in touch. Pray that I’ll have the opportunity to continue influencing him.

A___, the man I met when we first arrived, has now finished Book 4 of the discipleship material. Once he quotes his memorization, I will give him a certificate. He is excited to think he now has the ability to help others know about Jesus. We have been meeting on Wednesday mornings, and I am seeing sparks of spiritual growth little by little.

We want to say a big thank you to F___ B___ Church of O___ C___, W___, for their generous help in getting our oldest two children here for a visit in May! We are excited to see them, and as with everything we do on the field, we are hoping to use this event to draw in some of our contacts and have an opportunity to present the Gospel. There is always a good reason to give the Gospel! Pray for hearts to be open and souls to be saved!


  • Opportunities to present the Gospel
  • Over 3,000 tracts passed out since arriving in Taiwan
  • A___’s spiritual growth
  • Safety during the earthquake
  • Our college kids coming here for a visit

Prayer Requests

  • Language studies
  • U___’ salvation
  • Open hearts when sharing the Gospel
  • Traveling safety for our kids

Bound to His service,

Missionary #6004