We just finished our fifth year of S.M.I.T.E. (Student Missions Institute of Training and Evangelism) camp. Every year, young people from like-minded churches come to learn how to conduct Bible Clubs. They receive three hours of class instruction and a practical demonstration each day, and then they go out and put what they have learned into practice as they put on a Bible Club that week. In the evening, they enjoy an exciting service with challenging preaching. This is a four-year program, and it is exciting to see the campers grow from year to year.
What I love most about S.M.I.T.E. camp is that in the first year a camper attends, he receives training on how to give the Gospel to children. Every year, we see young people who did not know how to give the Gospel gain the confidence and knowledge to start soul winning effectively. This year, it was my joy to teach 61 young people how to give the Gospel. Please pray that they would continue to use what they have learned at their churches.
This year, it was our joy to host 155 campers from 9 churches. These campers conducted 23 Bible Clubs, with 1,608 children attending, 750 of whom professed faith in Jesus for salvation.
Many of the campers made a decision that they will give the Gospel to at least 50 children this year, and about a dozen young men surrendered to preach. Please pray for these young people as they work to honor these decisions.
About 20 children came to our children’s service on Sunday from various Bible Clubs from the preceding week. One of our daughter churches also had visitors because of a Bible Club they had conducted that week. At another daughter church, one of the campers used what he had learned in S.M.I.T.E. camp to witness to some children in his town, and he had 3 visitors at church!
Fruit to Your Account
I was approached by a man after church on Wednesday night. He said, “It has been a long time since I have seen you!”
I thought, “I don’t remember ever seeing you before!”
He asked, “Why don’t you come by our house and teach the children anymore?”
I asked some more questions and found out that my Bible Club team and I had done a Bible Club on Saturdays for some weeks at an empty store in front of this man’s house.
His children did not even come to the Bible Club, but he saw what we were doing, and he was impressed. As a result, he decided after some weeks to come and visit the church. He brought his wife and four daughters with him. He told me that his family had been coming for two or three months now! I had no idea that any of this had been going on, but God was at work!
Yours for souls,
Micah Christiansen
- Fruit to Your Account
- My Soul-Winning Class