Thank you for praying for our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference in August on “How to Grow Your Church.” I was personally challenged to grow spiritually and in my work for the Lord, and I know many churches were helped by the practical teaching. I also enjoyed the privilege of getting to teach for four hours on “How to Grow Your Children’s Ministry” during the afternoon sessions. Please pray for the children’s workers and pastors who attended the sessions to be able to implement some of the ideas they learned so that their young people will learn to love God more.
One of our new Bible Clubs has had some exciting results! The third week of the Bible Club, I saw a boy named Fabrigas and his little sister Nyarko. I invited them to Bible Club and went on to talk to some other children. When I passed by the house again, Fabrigas called out, “My mother wants to talk to you!” I thought she would have some questions concerning Bible Club, but instead she told me, “I want to come to church with you tomorrow.” Obaa Yaa (the mother) and her two children came to church the next morning, and they haven’t missed a Sunday morning since! A couple of weeks after they started coming, her husband Kofi started to come to church. With the help of translators, I have been able to help Obaa Yaa, Fabrigas, and Kofi understand the Gospel. Oheneba, the teenager who translated when I led Obaa Yaa to Christ, started attending our church and going soul winning after attending three or four of our church’s Bible Clubs over the past few years. Obaa Yaa and Fabrigas have been baptized, and I believe that Kofi will get baptized soon.
Another exciting aspect of this same Bible Club is that Gideon, one of the teenagers who helped me with the club, has started bringing children from that area on Sunday mornings. Gideon gathers the children and walks with them for twenty minutes to bring them to church. One of the children who has started coming with Gideon is Jedidiah, a Fundamental Baptist Academy student who has wanted to come to our church for a long time! On most Sundays, over ten children come to church from that Bible Club area.
Abbie and I are also excited that AnnaBeth got baptized! AnnaBeth has been scared of the “cold water” in the baptistery for a year now, but AnnaBeth decided that she wanted to get baptized so that she could obey God. I was so proud of her! After she got baptized, AnnaBeth was so excited and happy! She said that it was her favorite Sunday!
Yours for souls,
Micah Christiansen
- AnnaBeth got baptized!
- Obaa Yaa, her two children, and I on a Sunday morning
- Gideon’s “bus route”