Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: Developing Leaders in Children's MinistriesWe had a great Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference in August! This was the best-attended conference we have had since before COVID. The theme was “Developing Leaders,” and I had the blessing of teaching for almost five hours on how we can use children’s ministry to develop leaders and have a more effective children’s service. There were never fewer than 50 people present for each session, and I have never had a more involved and attentive group to teach during one of our conferences. I was so excited that so many people wanted to learn more about how to help the children at their churches.

There is a scarcity of good children’s ministry resources here in Ghana. Please pray for me as I work to create practical, user-friendly materials for our churches to use.

This year during our conference’s afternoon sessions, there was a program for the children of the delegates. I was so thrilled that I did not FBMI Missionary Micah Christiansen Prayer Letter Pictureneed to run this program; instead, a young man was capable and prepared to take the lead. Daniel has worked with me in our children’s department for the last few years, and he came up with the activities for the program, recruited workers, and ran everything. I was so encouraged!

Fundamental Baptist Academy started a new academic year in September. We have admitted many new students, hired some new staff, and are making some additions to our academic program. Please pray that we will be able to lead many students and parents to Christ this year. Please pray that we will have wisdom as we implement the changes to our academic program. Please pray that our staff will grow in grace and in our ability to influence our students to follow Christ.

Fruit to Your Account

Sometimes it takes time and repetition for the Gospel to sink into a person’s mind and heart. Over a month ago, I met four teenage boys and gave them the Gospel. I thought three of them understood at the time. George was one of those boys. After a few weeks when I managed to follow up with him, I found that he had added faith in Jesus to his good works as the reason that he would go to Heaven. I witnessed to George again, and that time he put his faith in only Jesus.

Another of those teenage boys is Kobby. Though I thought he understood the Gospel the first time I talked to him, he did not. I have talked to Kobby about the Gospel three times now, but he has not grasped the idea that our good works do not play any part in our salvation. However, he seems genuinely interested. I am working to get an experienced Twi soul winner to talk to him.

One week as I attempted to follow up on these boys, I met a young man named Godfred. Godfred told me that to go to Heaven, one must stop sin and do good to others. I gave Godfred the Gospel, and it seemed like he understood it. However, when I asked him the next week what he must do to go to Heaven, he told me that one must stop sin and do good to go to Heaven! It was like I had not even talked to him the week before! However, as I went through the Gospel again, I could see the effect of the groundwork laid the previous week. In the end, Godfred told me that before, his faith had been 50% percent in Jesus and 50% in his good works. Now he realized that to go to Heaven, his faith needed to be 100% in Jesus.

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen