Larae Hoff Prayer Letter:  The End . . . or Is It the Beginning . . . Is in Sight!While speaking at churches, folks ask me a lot of different questions. I love hearing them and talking about life overseas, but the hardest question I get asked about Ghana is, “When are you going?” Yes, my heart’s desire since college has been to be overseas. When I came back from my internship in Ghana, the missionaries asked me when I would return. Deputation is a place that God has called me to for a time, but God has a purpose for His timing. Deputation would not be deputation without a few struggles and trials, but I am thankful that through each one, the Lord has allowed my faith to grow and to teach me many lessons. Praise the Lord, the monthly finances are rising, and my missions board has given me approval to travel to Ghana this fall. Will you join me in praying that the packing and travel preparations will go smoothly?

I started April off by visiting a supporting church in Winterport, Maine. The next weekend, I had the opportunity to have my parents go with me to visit two churches in the Boston area. In the evening, I spoke with their young people about missions. On Wednesday, it was a joy to see a couple from SMITE and to share about Ghana at their church in Rifle, Colorado. I had the privilege to see new and familiar faces at the Saturday evening service from a supporting church in Longmont, Colorado. It was great to share my video on Sunday evening with folks in Denver, Colorado. On Friday and Saturday, I was blessed to go to a Ladies’ Conference in Colorado Springs and to meet many young ladies who are interested in doing missions. On Sunday, I finished my time in Colorado with two churches, where I shared my testimony in Monument and Denver.

Since high school, I’ve never been one to offer finances to beggars, even while overseas; I prefer to offer them food or something else, along with a tract. In West Virginia, while sitting at a gas station working on paperwork, a lady by the name of Julie approached me, asking for money. I stated that I had no money to offer. After I put my stuff away, I asked her if she wanted to share the bag of chips on my table with me. She happily agreed, and we began a long chat, where she shared her life’s story with me. She then allowed me to share my testimony, how Christ offers forgiveness, and how we can have true peace. Julie asked Christ for forgiveness using the sinner’s prayer and got saved that evening. Please pray that she will find a good church in which to grow as a Christian.

May started in Galloway, New Jersey, where I got to speak with their children’s church about missions. That Wednesday, it was great to hear many questions about missions from first- and fourth-grade students and to show my video with their adults at prayer meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The next Wednesday at prayer meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, I shared my presentation with the adults. The last Sunday of May, it was great to meet folks and share my video in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. I finished May visiting with missionary friends in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for praying for my deputation travels as I continue to visit churches while raising the remainder of the monthly finances. I am so humbled by you all. While visiting supporting churches and my home church’s prayer meeting, I’ve been humbled by hearing from adults, teens, and even children who tell me that say they are praying for me. Please know that I do not take that for granted, and I pray for you also.

Praise the Lord

  • Julie got saved!
  • Monthly finances increasing

Please Pray

  • Traveling on deputation
  • Preparations for Ghana

In Christ,

Larae Hoff