Larae Hoff Prayer Letter: A Busy WinterPraise the Lord for His handiwork in the beauties of spring! In my last letter, I asked you to pray for my vehicle’s maintenance. Praise the Lord, He answered your prayers. In February, I heard a noise from the exhaust area. When I took it to the mechanic, he saw that my exhaust pipe was detached. He was able to repair it and do the other maintenance my car needed. Praise God that the cost to fix it was cheaper than I expected it to be, and I was able to get the repairs done.

This winter in Maine has been a busy one for me. I had the opportunity to share my testimony at prayer meeting in Clinton and Ellsworth and the Sunday night service in Farmingdale. I have enjoyed meeting many Maine pastors and praying with their wives or church ladies at prayer meetings. It’s been great to have my friend, cousin, and dad go with me to visit different churches in my home state.

On Fridays, I’ve had the opportunity to help with the Corinth Bible Club. One day during the Bible lesson, when we talked about Joseph and how God forgives our sins, a girl started crying and getting very emotional; she said that she was very concerned for her unsaved family. I pray that we as born-again believers keep having a burden for the lost, just as this young lady’s heart was so burdened for her unsaved family members.

As American teachers are getting ready to end the school year, so are the teachers at our school, Fundamental Baptist Academy in Kumasi. Will you pray that they have wisdom in the preparations? As I write this letter, this week in Ghana, my team members are doing SMITE (Bible Club conference). Will you pray for the children who will be attending these clubs for the first time as they hear the Gospel?

In May, I will be going to my missions board/FBMI office and making preparations to get ready for Ghana, since my target support level is rising. Will you join me in praying that God will give guidance and wisdom with all of these preparations? Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support.

Praise the Lord!

*Vehicle Maintenance
*Monthly Finances Increasing

Please Pray!

* Teachers at FBA
* Preparations for Ghana

In Christ,

Larae Hoff