Jeremy Snipes Prayer Letter: More Laborers for His HarvestThis past week, we were able to send more laborers into His harvest, as we saw over 80 people receive a degree from Hyles-Anderson College. What a joy it has been to teach missions and Bible and invest our lives into these future servants of the Lord!

As we serve missionaries around the world, God has been blessing the Local Outreach Ministry, where we go soul winning locally with Hyles-Anderson College students on Saturdays during the school year. Recently, my soul-winning partner and I talked with a lady named Dominique who had no church background but was eager to receive the Gospel. On another Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to witness to Elena from Mexico; she spoke Spanish and had only been in the USA for a few weeks, as she was visiting her son who lives here. She gladly trusted Jesus Christ as her Saviour! These are just two examples of God using us to lead others to Him. Thank you for praying for God to use us here and around the world.

This spring, God has really worked in our adult Sunday school class. Several in our class have recently finished the first level of discipleship. Some, who have been in the class less than a year, have brought visitors to the class. A few have been baptized in the last few months, and we have even had an Algerian family, who recently moved to Chicago, begin coming to class. The mom and dad got saved about three weeks ago.

This week, Bro. Mark Bosje and I helped two missionaries with their preliminary exit interviews, as they are preparing to leave for the field: Daniel and Rachel Solt, heading to England, and Larae Hoff, heading to Ghana. Please pray for them as they finish up deputation and head to the field.

Summer is one of our favorite times as we serve missionaries. Please pray for two big events coming up. The first event is FBMI Candidate School, held June 10-14, 2024, which is when new missionaries wanting to serve with FBMI will come for a week of training. The second event is FBMI Missions University, held July 15-18, 2024, which is a time of ongoing education centered around the work of missions. Many missionaries on deputation or on furlough in the area will come for this special occasion. This is the same week as our FBC Youth Conference.

Lastly, please pray for my wife and me to have wisdom and be a help, as we now have my dad living with us, and we are caring for him full-time due to his major health struggles. Thank you for loving our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your investment in us as we serve missionaries on deputation and those on the field.

For His glory,

Jeremy Snipes
FBMI Field Services Coordinator for Africa and Europe