Jeremy Snipes Prayer Letter: BlessingsWhat a wonderful start we’ve had to the fall semester of Hyles-Anderson College! Many new students and returning students are prepped for this semester. So far, the missions and Bible classes that I get the privilege to teach are going well. Thank you for praying for laborers.

God blessed our soul winning this summer with several being saved and visitors in our adult Sunday school class. We started the Local Outreach Ministry back up last week, where we go soul winning locally with Hyles-Anderson College students on Saturdays during the school year. A little over a week ago, my wife and I were on a quick trip and stopped in a park area and saw three men sitting under a tree. After a short talk with them, we found out that their vehicle had broken down, and I was able to give them the Gospel. Justino, Alfredo, and Salvador gladly trusted Christ as their Saviour.

FBMI Missionary Candidate School went extremely well in June, with six new missionary couples attending, several of whom we had invested in their training at Hyles-Anderson College. FBMI Missions University welcomed dozens of missionary families, representing and serving in different parts of the world. What a wonderful week we had, with training, fellowship, and mastermind-type classes.

Yesterday in our adult Bible class, Missionary Charles Osgood, who is on a short furlough from Ghana, spoke and was such a blessing for our class. We had 8 first-time visitors, and one lady who got saved last week was baptized yesterday. We also had over 40 in attendance. Please pray that God would continue to use our class.

Please pray that God would give us wisdom as we train the next generation of missionaries and as we help the FBMI missionaries that are currently on the field.

Lastly, please pray for my wife and me to have wisdom and to be a help, as we now have my dad living with us, and we are caring for him full-time due to his major health struggles. Thank you for loving our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your investment in us as we serve missionaries on deputation and those on the field.

For His glory,

Jeremy Snipes
FBMI Field Services Coordinator for Africa and Europe