Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Daniel and Megan Gonzalez and Their Family Have Arrived on the FieldGreetings from Santa Ana, El Salvador, with some wonderful and encouraging news! They are here! Daniel and Megan Gonzalez arrived on June 3 to begin their missionary service alongside us in the work here. We are so thankful that they are finally here. Please pray for them as they get settled in to their rental home and start new ministries.

During the month of May, I was able to visit seven different churches in both Texas and California. It was refreshing for me to get to see old friends and preach in some of these churches. God has blessed us with many friends like you who are faithful in giving to missions and are a great encouragement to many of us.

In April, after seeking counsel, we made the difficult decision to close our Christian school. It was financially impossible to continue with this part of the work. The 15 students who were affected have been successfully transferred to other schools. We are now dealing with the legal aspect of closing a government-certified school. Please pray for a smooth process and that we will be able to close this door speedily.

We are now able to dedicate more time and attention to soul winning, discipling, and church growth. God has blessed us with three new families joining the church in the last month. Ana M. had been searching for a Baptist church to attend. Her daughter contacted us through our Facebook page, and we went to visit her. She has attended with her grandson for a month now and is very happy. She received Christ as her Saviour last week when I visited her in her home. Praise the Lord!

Esau and Ruth have been Baptists for decades. They were reached by missionaries Bob Green and Bruce Bell back in the 70s. I am not sure how they found our church, but they attended on a Wednesday night and have been faithful now for three
months. They have a business in the market downtown and are in their early 60s. They participate in the church program and are a great encouragement to many.

Karina and her mother started attending church in February. Karina has made several missions trips in different parts of Central America and in the Philippine Islands. She was exposed to the fundamental Baptist church in the Philippines and when she returned, she sought out a church of like faith. She found us and has been attending and going soul winning weekly. What a great blessing she has been!

In March, a group of five teens in our church asked if they could start a new ministry for children called King’s Kids Club. They work together to teach 30 children each Wednesday evening. Our daughter Grace teaches the K4-6 children. They all memorize Scripture and listen to a Bible lesson; then after the service, they sing a special theme song and recite their theme verse in front of the congregation. This club has been a great boost in attendance and has given our teens another opportunity to serve the Lord.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for Daniel and Megan and their children as they transition from deputation to active service on the field.
2. Pray for our permit to enter the public schools and present the Gospel to thousands of students and teachers.
3. Pray for our new Christians to grow and get involved in the church.
4. Pray for our Pastors’ Conference in September.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and, in many cases, financially. You are used by God to allow us to serve Him here.

Joyfully in His service,

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez