We are so happy to be serving the Lord in Uganda and especially thankful for a recent comment from a local pastor and his wife: “I would like to thank you and your family for coming to our church. It has been such a blessing to us. We have seen our church growing [in] people [and] getting saved, which is the great want from our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Thank you for that big heart.” And also, “Your family brought life and joy to our church.”
It really is a joy to serve others and make a difference wherever we can. This month, I have been led to start an additional work, serving local Ugandan Baptist churches. A friend said that there are several hundred good Baptist churches here. That really surprised me—in a good way, but he said they need help.
So, after getting some church lists from several different pastors, I have compiled a list of about 170 Baptist churches here. We will be planning different revival meetings and Pastors’ Schools around the country. I have a part-time secretary calling them to get information, and the pastors are absolutely thrilled that someone cares about them.
Most need encouragement, many need additional training and doctrine, and they all need books to study. Many cannot own property because they have no paperwork—and they would have a very difficult time getting registered. So, I will do the work of an evangelist to strengthen and build them up, and in the long run, so many will get saved.
In Burundi, Pastor ____ is still working to get a frequency. They just told him that because of COVID, 26 radio stations had closed, so frequencies are available. He needs to show that he really has the ability to build, so he is now looking for a place to build a tower.
I also rejoice that I was able to lead Victor to the Lord. He is a radio tech I have been meeting with to get a frequency in Kampala. It is amazing how so many people have never heard the simple plan of salvation. He is so happy now to know that Heaven is now and forever will be his future home.
In His service,
Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof