Thank you for your faithfulness to our great Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in enabling the spread of the Gospel in Gabon through your prayers and support! The Saviour Jesus said, ”And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14)
We witness weekly the power of the Gospel of Christ during our soul-winning outings. By the grace of God, since January 1, 2024, more than 100 people have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour!
• 60-plus souls at my stepmother’s funeral in February
• 28 students at a local high school in January
• 3 souls on average on Sundays
• 5 souls on average each week
• 10 souls at a local hospital
• Several souls at Mathurin’s father’s funeral in Cameroon
The Lord Jesus Christ, through the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church of Gabon, has been training more soul winners, especially younger people for the ministry.
The Bible declares, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 1:4) Please join us in praying for the following 25 Christian brothers and sisters scheduled for believer’s baptism: Misria, Jolina, Madoungou, Mayomba, Lesih, Paterne, Augustin, Edna, Elsie, Harrys, Koffi, Jose, Stephen, Hermann, Glenn, Warren, Phelicia, Princesse, Fernande, Kyrtis, Miguel, Ridge, Charlotte, Victoire, and Victorine.
• MORE SOUL WINNERS! God added some faithful Christian workers to the church: Monique, Papa Etienne, Princesse, Maman Jacqui, Fernande, Kyrtis, Miguel, etc.
• $28,000 ALREADY PLEDGED FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE ONE-ACRE CHURCH PROPERTY! We thank God profoundly for our dear friends from Trinity Baptist Church of Big Spring, Texas; Harvest Baptist Church of Yerington, Nevada; and Gospel Light Baptist Church of Marion, Iowa! The price of the one-acre property is $64,000. We now have only $36,000 to raise to reach our goal! If 18 churches gave $2,000 each, we would reach our goal. This would best serve our ministry-expansion plan. Please join us in prayer for the purchase of this property for God’s work!
• $1,000 ALREADY RAISED FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 35-SEAT SOUL-WINNING BUS! New buses are very expensive in Gabon. The Toyota company here in Gabon said a brand-new 35-seat bus costs $113,000. However, we
learned that a decent used bus would cost half that price.
• A 20-FOOT SCRIPTURE CONTAINER ON THE WAY TO GABON! Praise the LORD! We are DEEPLY touched and TRULY moved by the labor of love from our dear friends from Bearing Precious Seed of Milford, Ohio; Wings Bearing Precious Seed; Lighthouse Baptist Church of Reno, Nevada; Bible Baptist Church of Marysville, California; and the SO many beloved churches that labored tirelessly to send that container full of Scriptures to Gabon!! God’s richest blessings upon you ALL! Please pray for the container’s clearance from Customs. We have already raised $1,000 for this. Last time, we spent $4,000 to clear our container from Customs.
• It TRULY is a great joy and privilege to partner with you to reach the lost with the Gospel and to train converts for the Gospel ministry! You are CONSTANTLY in our prayers! May God bless you even more as you serve Him faithfully!!
1. 100-plus souls saved
2. 25 scheduled for believer’s baptism
3. 8-plus new soul winners
4. Container full of Scriptures
5. Fruitful home follow-ups
6. 2 baptisms
1. Souls to be saved
2. Believers to be baptized
3. Faithful soul winners
4. Purchase of the one-acre land
5. Purchase of a 35-seat soul-winning bus
6. Container’s clearance from Customs
Your friend,
Fisa Mihy-mihyndu
- Road Conditions
- Soul Winning in Ntoum
- Church Family
- Soul Winning in Ntoum
- Youth Choir Practice
- Bro. Marty and Bro. Mathurin Visiting Families
- One-Acre Church Property for Purchase
- 35-Seat Soul-Winning Bus to Purchase
- Church Follow-Up