Daniel and Misty Wilder Prayer Letter:  Unbelievable Opportunity!“Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.” (Psalm 25:4) Please pray with me about an unbelievable opportunity that has been presented to us. A man in our church is selling an apartment building with four units located just four blocks from our church. Every unit has two floors, four bedrooms, and two baths. He is selling each unit for $55,000. This would be a very helpful addition to our ministry. It would provide dorms for the young ladies in our Bible institute and housing for our staff and the frequent groups and families that come to visit us. We have the option to purchase the first unit and then make monthly payments to pay off the rest. The land itself on which this apartment building sits is worth $120,000, so you can see how this is an excellent deal. Please pray for the Lord to give me wisdom to make the right decision and for the Lord to provide the money to purchase the first unit, which would be the down payment, if that would be His will.

Jimmy started coming to our church on a bus route when he was four years old. I would pick him up and drop him off after church every Sunday morning. After a few years of coming, he got away from church and practically disappeared. Fourteen years later, he was found by a faithful Sunday school teacher who attended church with Jimmy when he was a child. Marcos visited Jimmy and invited him to come back to church. Jimmy finally did come back to church, got saved and baptized, and now faithfully attends all of the services. After having served the Lord for eighteen years in Guatemala, I am still amazed to see how we reap today from the planting of so many seeds years ago. Let’s keep planting and watering, trusting the Lord to give the increase.

Thank you for your investment in our ministry. However, your investment does not stop with us. We have had the privilege of starting eight churches because of your faithful support. We also support ten missionaries and are praying about taking on a new one this year. The churches we have started also support missionaries. It just keeps going and going and going. Praise the Lord!

His for souls,

Daniel and Misty Wilder
Lydia, Charity, Emily, Hannah, Serenity, and Benjamin