Merry Christmas! Praise the Lord for another full year that God has given each of us! We are incredibly grateful for the things God has done through us in this past year! In this letter, I’d like to give some highlights of what God has done here in Nigeria over the last twelve months. Please understand that the numbers given are simply a representation of souls saved, Christians strengthened, and churches being started.
An opportunity that God put in front of us, and one that we put much time and effort into, was that of helping independent Baptist churches establish Bible institutes in their churches. I traveled, along with a national evangelist, to five different churches in four states and was able to help each of them start an institute. Not only do we help to start the institute, but we also are doing everything that we can to be an encouragement to the pastor as he leads the institute moving forward. Our goal is that God would use these institutes not only to train men who will pastor a church in the near future, but also to help lay people serving in the church to be better equipped to do whatever God has called them to do.
I was able to help revive the discipleship program at our church. We have started to meet regularly and are providing training so that our church members can make sure that we are doing our part in fulfilling the Great Commission in its entirety.
We have seen many lost people come to know Christ as their personal Saviour through our personal soul winning, visiting Bible Clubs, preaching in a local prison, big days at the church, and other areas that God has opened doors for us to give a clear presentation of the Gospel.
We hope that during this Christmas season, you will take some time to reflect on the things that God has done through you as you’ve served Him this year. Thank you very much for another year of your faithful support! We know that it takes folks like you to send folks like us.
In His service,
Daniel, Erin, Ezekiel, and Gianna