The Lord has been so good to our family throughout this past year in helping us deal with all the different situations between our supporting churches and the ever-changing regulations here in Italy. We cannot thank you enough for your continued prayers and love for our family. We are so blessed.
The situation in Italy hasn’t changed much with distancing and other regulations. In regards to ministry, this can be very discouraging, but we continue to edify the church and share the Gospel with the lost. We did have a few weeks of calm when all of the out-of-town members were able to come to church. We also had restarted our Tuesday night, in-home Bible study. Unfortunately, that was short-lived before things were restricted again. We continue to minister online and advertise on the Internet, although we are finding less response.
Our efforts regarding the translation and recording of the Italian Bible continue to progress. We are on the second pass through Genesis before it will go off to readers for proofing and then on to recording. Please pray that this process can be thorough and that we can find any of our mistakes sooner rather than later. Sometimes new attempts at translating can go through several revisions after the first printing; we want to disperse our initial efforts as much as possible so that the proofing might be accomplished at the beginning.
About a year ago, we mentioned a veteran missionary named Larry Pieri, who was traveling about an hour every week to go soul winning with me. Recently Bro. Pieri and his wife retired and moved back to the United States. He was a great missionary, evangelist, and friend. We miss him and his wife and are grateful for their impact on our ministry and family. Bro. and Mrs. Pieri are soul winners no matter where they go, and I have no doubt that God will continue to use them in the United States.
Our family is doing well. We have been healthier than ever. My wife and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage this summer. Our children continue homeschooling and are all growing. Two of my grandparents are not doing well at this time. One has gone into a nursing home, and the other has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Please pray for their comfort and knowledge of Christ. As this letter is being typed, we have documents that are heading over as we gain momentum again towards citizenship. Please pray that this goes smoothly. Thank you so much for your love and support of our family.
Missionaries to the people of Italy,
Christopher, Amy, William, AnnMarie, and Charlotte Yetzer