Thank you for your prayers and support!
Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
August 14-17, we conducted our 12th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. Our theme was “Biblical Prayer and Worship.” It was a great conference with so many blessings! Dr. Eddie Lapina and Dr. Dan Siemer from First Baptist Church of Hammond were our guest speakers. Dr. Lapina also spoke to the youth each day. Several of the youth surrendered their lives to Christ! Pastor Speer also taught several lessons on the topic of worship. Several delegates told me that the teaching on worship was very helpful and greatly impacted their lives.
Soul Winning
On Saturday afternoon, September 29, I was soul winning in Barekuma and met a man named Kwabena Sarpong. I believe meeting him was a divine appointment. He doesn’t live in Barekuma, but he is planning to move there in the near future. He actually lives near our main church in Kumasi. Kwabena was open to the Gospel and trusted Christ as his Saviour. He has come to church and wants to become a member! When he moves to Barekuma, he plans to join our church there!
I have been going soul winning each Saturday morning at a nearby university. I have been able to lead 9 students to Christ in the last few months. Two of these students, Peter and Samuel, have come to church for many weeks now and have started our church’s discipleship curriculum. Please pray for these two men to grow and to become soul winners. There are thousands of students at this university, and most of them are very open to the Gospel. Please pray for us to be able to reach these students with the Gospel.
God bless,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- We had 431 registered delegates from 85 different churches!
- Our guest speakers
- Pastors who attended the conference