We hope and pray your fall is coming in with many blessings from the Lord. This month included some wonderful soul-winning experiences, a visit to a Southern Thailand church, discipleship involvement with two of our growing men, a two-week sending of one of our men to help flood victims, and continuous preparations for our language school. In all we do, our reminder is that we can do all things through Christ, and we can do very little without Him. Thank you for your encouragements and prayers.
Saturday afternoons and evenings are an excellent time to visit our regulars, and these visits often lead to soul-winning opportunities. Recently while visiting one of our faithful families, a neighbor was home and was ready and willing to listen to the Gospel. She found out how her sins could be forgiven and how she could go to Heaven. Tan translated very clearly for me, and this woman put her faith and trust in Jesus to be saved. Just down from her house, we found a group of people who were temporarily living in a house while constructing a nearby restaurant. The Lord gave another excellent window of time where their hearts were ready to receive the Gospel. One of the men attended church the very next day. Our team and church have encounters like this every week, and it’s always an exciting thing to see people want to grow in the Lord by going out visiting and attending the church services.
Since completing discipleship, Tan and Star have begun more intensive Bible training. Our Team Leader, Bro. Tim Shook, asked me to assist. These men are plugged into the ministry and are growing in the Word of God. The future is bright for more in this area.
Star grew up in an area of Burma, which has experienced terrible flooding, sickness, and food shortages over the last two months. Thank you for praying for these families. Our church funded a trip for Star to take food, medical supplies, and, most importantly, the Gospel to these needy villages. Hundreds of people were helped spiritually and physically. Over 300 were saved! Praise the Lord!
In Southern Thailand, a church that was birthed from the 2004 tsunami, continues on. Bro. Tawee is faithful to preach and go soul winning in this needy area. Our goal was to encourage him and the church members as they serve the one, true, living God in a predominately Muslim area. So many folks are faithful to attend every week, year after year. Bible materials were delivered, and other needs were met. Please pray for Bro. Tawee and this church as they shine the light in a sparsely churched area.
In the Teen Ministry, we praise the Lord for three young men trusting in Jesus to be saved. One of these young men, Mint, age 15, came for the first time in August. His grandmother has faithfully attended for quite some time and has prayed for her grandson to come to church and be saved. On that first Sunday, Mint was very ill and had to go home. We prayed we would have another opportunity to give him the Gospel. This month, Mint came for the second time. God, in His perfect timing, had the Sunday school lesson be on what happens when a person dies. By the end of the class, Mint, along with two other second-time visitors, wanted to be saved! Mint was given a Bible with his name and the date of his salvation. He left Sunday school and joyfully showed it to his grandmother. She was praising the Lord!
Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the Lord. Your prayers and efforts are helping many in this part of the world.
Grateful to serve,
Bro. Chad Inman and Family
- Mint Saved
- Flooding in the West
- Salvations in the West
- Building Crew Saved
- A Nice Neighbor Saved
- Brother Tawee