We rejoice in your prayers for us as we write to you from Thailand. Our last three weeks in America included meetings of encouragement in Florida, Missouri, Indiana, and Kentucky. The night of our flight, we attended the Wednesday evening service of First Baptist Church of Hammond. I was able to thank the dear members there, and the church prayed for our family shortly before we boarded the plane. The flights were seamless, smooth, and safe. For each church commitment over the last two-plus years of deputation, we thank you for supporting us and pulling for us as we embark on fulfilling the Great Commission in Thailand.
After arriving at the Bangkok Airport, we were welcomed by a few of our church members. Then, to our surprise, many had come to welcome us. Bro. Tim Shook had organized a way for a large welcome party to greet us that glorious day of April 27. Since our house was already on reserve to rent, church members had cleaned and prepared the house, and Singad left our truck in immaculate condition for us. Although the house needed some treatments and appliances, we were ready to serve, almost upon arrival, thanks to our church and team. Our first Sunday was a special day of reuniting with so many people who have been faithfully attending church and growing in the Lord since our departure in December of 2015. What a blessing! Prayer was answered about seeing someone trust in Jesus in our first week in Thailand. Three young men were saved on May 3: Tick, Name, and Night, who all work at a local carwash. I had plenty of time to give the Gospel, and each received it with gladness. The following week, Sarah was able to see two different ladies put their faith in the Lord: Dang, a roadside cook, and Mam, a housekeeper at a local hotel. On Sunday, May 13, our church had a special day for children. Over 180 were in attendance. Bro. Randy Shook prepared and organized 10 different games outside for all of the kids to play, along with prizes. People were saved and baptized, and two kids took home new bikes. A few days later, Chin trusted in Jesus. He is a kickboxing trainer at one of the nearby rings. Kun Chin grew up in the deep south of Thailand and moved to Hua Hin three years ago. He started kickboxing at the age of 8, is now 20, and is also now saved. Praise the Lord! Another amazing experience took place just last week, which will be shared in the Team Thailand update.
Prayer Requests
Since arrival, we have been involved in both churches, preaching, soul winning, visiting, training, and more. This will always be a constant, but our more specific goals within our churches and team will lie with our youth, our language school, and church planting. As we disciple, a specific goal of a Bible institute is present, in which all of us are and will be deeply involved. We ask for your prayers for direction and success in these areas. So many young people here need the Lord and a strong church and Youth Department in which to grow. The language school is a testimony and a vital help to the local people, our legal legitimacy, and a relationship builder. Please also pray for our continued studies in the language, as we will always seek to grow as a result of hard work and blessings from the Lord.
May the Lord strengthen each of you. Thank you for your heart for missions and for your help to reach the wonderful people of Thailand with the Gospel.
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family
- Pastor Foust
- Children’s Day Adult Service
- Name and Night
- Chin
- Dang
- Dtick
- Back at Home
- Some of Our Young People
- Mam
- Pastor Wagner