We thank you very much for your prayers over the last month. As an answer to prayer, the shipment arrived with a very low tax. Praise the Lord! All three of our children began their schooling this week using their new books. The shipment represented a very high savings to our churches, both supporting and those giving love offerings during our deputation. We thank you again, and we thank the Lord. Regarding the shipment, we ask your prayers for the potential opportunity to meet in person some of the workers we have befriended on the phone. Pray that they would be able to hear the Gospel and be saved.
Additional Praises
Since arriving in Thailand on April 27, many visitors have come to spend time with our team, including missionaries, future missionaries, and others. We have also had church leaders traveling and others recovering from injury and sickness. All of these situations together have allowed me to cover many responsibilities that I normally would not cover (more preaching, teaching, meetings, etc.).
During these last weeks, there were two specific opportunities out visiting where Thai Bibles were requested. On one Thursday morning, I presented a tract to a European man who listened to me for about 20 seconds, dropped the tract on the table, and walked away, basically saying in broken English that he was not a believer. We dusted off our feet and went to the very next small house around the corner. A 47-year-old Thai man listened to us and then asked if he could have a Thai Bible. I get excited when people want the Word of God, as Thailand has only had the Word of God (KJV), widespread, for 12 years. Later on that afternoon, we had a second, older man who listened clearly to the Gospel and, at the end, wanted a Thai Bible. Praise the Lord! In following up with both of these men, additional people were saved nearby who were not home on the first go-around, including Dtaiy, whom Sarah led to the Lord, and an 82-year-old woman.
Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray for our Teen Ministry, our language school, and our expansion in the Thai language. Please also pray for relatives of our church families in Burma. Burma has undergone heavy flooding, and now that the floods are going away, food shortages and malaria are setting in. One of our church families recently asked for prayer before going to Burma for a funeral. On the way back through the flooding, they crossed a bridge, and as soon as they crossed, the bridge broke off and floated away. They were praising the Lord for their safety. Please know that your support, prayers, and encouragement do so much to supplant opposition and problems here. We hope you have a safe and blessed ending to your summer as the fall months approach you.
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family