Well, we praise the Lord that most of the prayer requests we mentioned in our last letter were all answered in September! My toe has mostly healed, and I can resume all normal activities. Also, all of our belongings have finally arrived from the U.S.! We praise the Lord for this. However, it was almost like moving a second time! We had many boxes all over the house with nowhere to put many things. Slowly but surely, we have been able to find a place for most items and store the rest in our attic space.
Another big answer to prayer was the purchase of our vehicle! We were finally able to find a great car at an excellent price. The staff at Senri Newtown Baptist Church have been incredibly helpful in accompanying me to different locations to look at vehicles. Many of these were 1 to 1½ hours away. They also helped with the many procedures we needed to complete to take possession of the car. Thank you for praying for this!
At the beginning of September, Karin met a woman named Belinda at her language school. Belinda recently moved here from Ghana with her young children. Her husband has already been here for some time teaching English at an international school. We have had the privilege of picking up Belinda and her children each week so she could attend Senri Newtown Baptist Church with us. Belinda has a Pentecostal background, and while she expressed that she has trusted Christ alone for her salvation, we are still praying that we can make sure of her salvation. Please also pray for the salvation of her husband (a Catholic who has not come to church with us) and her three young children.
In mid-September, we were able to celebrate Keira’s 7th birthday. We praise the Lord for another year of life He has given to Keira. Shortly after that, I was able to take part in the FBMI Missions Mastermind in Turkey. This was a blessed time to spend with fellow FBMI missionaries and learn many things from those who have been on the field for many years. It was also great to sing in English as part of a congregation! I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I left the trip feeling refreshed and ready to commit even further to the work God has called us to do here in Japan. There is still much to learn with the language and culture here, but we thank God for the opportunities He has already given us. Please continue praying that God would lead us to those ready to be led to Him!
One of those opportunities presented itself on the trip to Turkey. To get a cheap ticket, I needed to use my airline miles. That caused my itinerary to consist of three flights: Osaka, Japan, to Bangkok, Thailand; then on to Munich, Germany, and finally to Istanbul, Turkey. After spending a long time at the Istanbul airport and finally getting on a shuttle bus to take us to where we would be staying, a Japanese woman sat in front of me. In English, she asked me if I had been on the same flight she had been on. To our mutual surprise, we were on ALL of the same flights and now riding the same shuttle bus! I was able to talk to her about why we were in Japan, and before we parted ways, I got her contact information and gave her a Japanese tract from the church. Please pray that we will have more opportunities to witness to Takeuchi-san.
Finally, we were able to share a blessed week with the Oishi family, as they spent a week with us before heading off to start the Kisarazu Hope Baptist Church in Chiba prefecture. I will talk more about this in our next update. We also have a big day, Hallelujah Festival, coming up at Senri Newtown Baptist Church on October 22. We have been passing out thousands of flyers in preparation for this day, and many first-time visitors said they would be coming. Please pray for many to hear the Gospel and place their faith in Jesus Christ!
In His service,
Brendan Morgan
• Our items arrived from America!
• We were able to find and purchase a vehicle.
• My toe has healed.
• We have had divine appointments
and more visitors to the church.
Prayer Points
• The salvation of those to whom we have been talking
• Upcoming Hallelujah Festival on October 22
• For all of us to learn Japanese so we can more freely speak to people
- Muslims need Jesus as well.
- Istanbul, Turkey, where Jesus is so desperately needed!
- Belinda and her daughters with Karin
- Praising the Lord for our car!
- Our boxes arrived from the U.S.!
- Our boys are unloading our boxes that arrived from the U.S.
- Happy 7th Birthday, Keira!