We hope that you all have had a blessed summer this year and have been enjoying the warmth. For our family, I would describe this past month of our summer as “VERY HOT”! We found ourselves in California, Texas, and Arizona! But, as hot as 117 degrees is, Hell is much hotter . . . and forever; therefore, we still have the joy of the Lord as we serve Him to reach the lost—no matter what the temperature, Amen!
We began our month with Berean Bible Baptist Church in Chula Vista, California. There we were able to present and preach for their Missions Conference, along with two other missionaries. God really met with us through the preaching of His Word. Hearts were stirred, and many people were revived for the Lord!
From Southern California, we made our way to Texas for a few meetings. We had a great time serving the Lord alongside each one of these churches, and we were thankful for the opportunity to present the Lord’s work in East Africa. While in Texas, there is one day that particularly stands out for us, and that was the morning we went out soul winning with Capitol City Baptist Church. We first went out for about an hour and had no one open to hearing the Gospel. Then Pastor Mark, one of the assistant pastors, kindly took all of us out to lunch. As a family, we went back out after lunch and finished the street we were door knocking on. I am personally glad that we did, too, because God opened the door for us to share the Gospel with several people. We had six people we were able to go through the entire Gospel with, but then when I would ask them if they wanted to trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour that day, they all would say to me, “Well, just not right now” or “Not today.” It breaks our hearts every time we hear these words, for none of us are promised our next breath. Therefore, these individuals are still on their way to Hell, lost in their sin. Please pray with us for these six individuals; pray that the seed that has been planted would be watered and that God would give the increase! One of the last doors we knocked on, no one answered. However, as we were walking away, Ashley was walking up. The Lord gave us the opportunity to share the Gospel with her. She came to realize that she was lost and that Jesus had paid the debt for her sin so she could have eternal life. Praise the Lord! I was able to pray with her and watch her call upon the Lord as her personal Saviour!
We also had a sweet time of fellowship with Western Hills Baptist Church, one of our supporting churches. We were blessed to finally meet them and show them our ministry. Thank you so much for your faithful partnering with us in reaching the lost. We also were blessed to see three people saved while out soul winning with Iglesia Bautista Betel of Corona.
Lastly, we had the opportunity to encourage and counsel one man named Mateo while out doing our laundry. Mateo has been going through some very hard trails since being saved. Please pray that he would continue to keep his eyes upon Jesus and not give in to the temptations of the Devil. While picking up my truck from an oil change, I also had the chance to give a young man named Davaugh the assurance of his salvation by spending some time going through Scriptures with him and giving him some clear verses on eternal security. Praise God for each one of these opportunities that He gave us! May we continue to be the witnesses that He has called us to be unto this lost and dying world. Thank you and may God bless you.
Your co-labourers for lost souls in East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14