Praise the Lord! After 24 weeks of Kiswahili classes, Ali and I have finished our language classes! Now, the real work begins by using the language every day with the people. Besides finishing language school on the 30th of this month, we also officially moved out of Garden City to Kitengela. Here we plan to practice the language more and more; but also, Lord willing, it is where we plan to start our first church to reach Kenyans with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lewis, the young man I have been meeting with once a week for discipleship, had to go upcountry for a family funeral. After spending three weeks upcountry with family, he has just returned, and we are planning to meet again once a week to keep up on discipleship and studying together. Please pray that we will still be able to meet with each other so that Lewis can continue to grow in the truth of the Word of God. Also, please continue to pray for the podcast series and that God will use this ministry as a way to show many people the truths of God’s Word.
Please pray for the following events coming up in our schedule. First, pray that we will begin to become more and more fluent in Kiswahili, both in speaking and in listening to others. Second, on October 25, I fly from Kenya to Ghana to visit Team Ghana and learn what I can from them, but I will also be helping out with a medical team for 10 days. Pray for this ministry, as it seems that Satan always seems to attack what God is trying to do through this blessed ministry. Lastly, please pray for a potential ministry our family is looking into. We will be able to give more information in regards to this particular ministry in December after we look into it more and after I return from my Ghana trip in November. We ask that you would please pray for the Lord to open doors where He would have us to go and take the Gospel.
As always, thank you so much for your continued faithfulness. God bless you as you, too, serve Him where you are.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
Msifuni Bwana, baada ya wiki ishirini na nne za masomo ya Kiswahili Ali nami tumemaliza madarasa yetu ya lugha. Sasa, kazi halisi inaanza na kutumia lugha kila siku na watu. Badala ya kumaliza shule ya lugha tarehe thelathini ya mwezi huu, pia tumehama kutoka Garden City, Nairobi hadi Kitengela. Hapa tutaamini kutumia lugha zaidi na zaidi lakini pia Bwana Akipenda kuanza kanisa letu la kwanza kuwaambia wakenya Injili ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
Lewis nami tumekutana mara moja kwa wiki kujifunza Biblia pamoja, alihitaji kuenda shambani kwa mazishi ya familia. Baada ya alikaa wiki tatu shambani na familia amerudi na tutaamini kukutana tena mara moja kwa wiki kujifunza Biblia pamoja. Tafadhali ombeni kwamba tutameza kukutana pamoja ili Lewis ataweza kukua katika ukweli wa Neno la Mungu. Pia, tafadhali mnaendelea ombeni kwa podcast na huyo Mungu Atatumia wizara hii kuwaonyesha watu wengi ukweli wa Neno la Mungu. Mwisho, tafadhali ombeni kwa ajili mambo haya yajayo katika ratiba yetu. Kwanza, tutaweza kuanza kuwa fasaha katika Kiswahili ndani ya kuongeza na kusikiliza watu wengine. Pili, tarehe Ishirini na tano Oktoba nitasafiri kutoka Kenya hadi Ghana kutembelea Team Ghana na kujifunza kutoka kwao kile nitachoweza, lakini pia kusaidia timu ya matibabu kwa siku kumi.
Ombeni kwa ajili ya kazi kwa maana Shetani huwa anashambulia kile ambacho Mungu Anafanya ndani ya kazi hii. Mwishowe, tafadhali ombeni kazi inayowezekana ambayo family wetu wanatazama. Tutaweza kutoa habari zaidi kuhusu kazi hii katika Desemba baada ya tutaiona zaidi baada ya ninasafiri Ghana katika Novemba. Tunamwuliza kuomba kwamba
Bwana Atafungua milango wapi Atatupenda kwenda na kutoa Injili.
Kama kawaida, Asanteni Sana kwa mnaendelea uaminifu na Mungu Atamamini kama vile mnavyomtumika pia hapo mlipo.
Wafanya kazi wenu kwa roho wanapotea katika mashariki Afrika,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hana, na Esta Heselschwerdt
Warumi mlango wa kumi na mstari wa kumi
- Ali is teaching a children’s Sunday school class at Pastor Newton’s church.
- I am leading the singing in Swahili in Pastor Newton’s church this month.
- Praise the Lord! My Ghana visa has been approved for my upcoming medical-missions trip on October 25.
- Thank you for all of the letters we have received in the mail!
- The children are playing Musical Chairs in Sunday school.
- This is a picture of Ali’s display for the YouTube video she did! You can find it on YouTube by searching “Chakula cha Kenya – Dawa.”