We praise God and thank you for your continued prayer and financial support of the work here in Kenya! We have been busy in an array of circumstances as we endeavor to share the saving grace of Christ Jesus to the lost, while also serving His people. Souls are being saved, and thanks to you and your prayers, the saved are growing and becoming more involved in the work of the church! It is our joy to be soldiers in God’s work.
God brought a young man by the name of Bush across our path. Bush wanted to be a soul winner and was looking for someone to guide him in being effective in showing a lost person how to be saved. We went out together many times in fulfillment of the Great Commission. Over a period of weeks, he would observe, each time taking an increasing role in sharing the good news of Jesus to many. On our sixth outing, praise God, Bush led his first soul to understand her need of a Saviour, and Esther bowed her head to pray, calling upon Jesus as her personal Saviour.
There is a special kind of joy in seeing a convert be faithful and grow! Someone I led to the Lord and watched grow tremendously was helping in the work of God in many ways. I had discipled this man to teach others basic doctrine, which he did with a man whose name is Prosper. Recently, Prosper and I were talking, reminiscing of the many blessings that came from the man, who has since moved on to serve God in another place. Prosper is, in large part, a product of this man’s example, and today he is leading our music program. In a demonstration of spiritual understanding, Prosper said to me concerning his predecessor, “God uses people to fulfill His purpose and then sometimes moves them on.” Another blessing in this category is Rachel, whom Connie led to Christ some time ago. Today Rachel is running our children’s Sunday school program and is a wonderful servant to the church!
Our good friend, fellow missionary, and team member Peter Morris has started a pastors’ training course, bringing national pastors from Western Kenya for weeklong sessions. Our church, Lighthouse Baptist Church, has had the opportunity to host these classes. God has allowed me to be a part of the teaching rotation for these wonderful servants of God with a tremendous need of understanding in some key areas of doctrine. With God’s help, we desire to assist these pastors to better serve, having an impact not only in Kamakis but also across Kenya!
On a personal note, we welcomed our sixth grandchild Anthony into this world! Connie was able to be there for the birth and will return to Kenya soon.
With God’s Word and your partnership, we will continue to serve Him and look forward to great things of eternal value to come!
Your servants for lost souls across East Africa,
Andy & Connie Richey
- Rachel is running our children’s Sunday school program!
- Pastors’ training course
- Bush winning his first soul, Esther, to Christ!