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2024 Missions University

July 15 - July 18

2024 Japan Missions Trip

July 23 - August 2

2024 Ghana Missions Trip

September 11 - September 20

2025 Missions Mastermind

September 22, 2025 - September 23, 2025


Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: A Month of Firsts!

By |June 9th, 2024|Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|

Looking back at the month of May, we could say it was a month of firsts! First, we as a group of believers are so thankful and blessed for our supporting churches that gave the money needed for the purchase of the church van! It was very mu [...]

Larae Hoff Prayer Letter: The End . . . or Is It the Beginning . . . Is in Sight!

By |June 8th, 2024|Larae Hoff, Prayer Letters|

While speaking at churches, folks ask me a lot of different questions. I love hearing them and talking about life overseas, but the hardest question I get asked about Ghana is, “When are you going?” Yes, my heart’s desire since college has [...]

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