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2024 Missions University

July 15 - July 18

2024 Japan Missions Trip

July 23 - August 2

2024 Ghana Missions Trip

September 11 - September 20

2025 Missions Mastermind

September 22, 2025 - September 23, 2025


George and Barb Zarris Prayer Letter: A Donkey for Jesus

By |June 10th, 2024|George Zarris Family, Prayer Letters|

Paul Hattaway’s life was a mess, and he knew it! The dire state of Paul’s homelife was unimaginable. His father was hard-working and honest, but detached. Paul often received severe beatings with a belt that left him black and blue, but he [...]

Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Departure Goal Set!

By |June 10th, 2024|Daniel Solt Family, Prayer Letters|

What an exciting month May has been! On May 7, we met with our mission board director, Dr. Mark Bosje, and our field service coordinator, Jeremy Snipes, to discuss our transition to the field. We have decided that the second week of January [...]

Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: B.E.S.T. National Pastors’ Conference

By |June 9th, 2024|Prayer Letters, Tim Shook Family|

Soul-Winning & Salvation Stories We’ve been soul winning in a newer area this past month that is just about 20 minutes south of our church, and it has been exciting to see open hearts and folks seeking the truth. A few weeks ago, we sa [...]

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