Missions-Minded Students2021-01-07T13:09:09-06:00

Luncheon Dates

2021 Spring Semester

Dining Hall #1 at Hyles-Anderson College

January 19

February 16

March 16

April 13

Read the Latest Prayer Letters.

Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: Off to a Great Start in 2024!

March 30th, 2024|

We praise the Lord for a great start in 2024. During January and February, we saw 1,420 precious souls profess faith in Christ. My sincere apologies for the tremendous gap between prayer letters last year. After looking into it, I found that our proofreader at FBMI did not receive my prayer letters [...]

Fisa Mihy-Mihyndu Prayer Letter: Souls Are Being Saved!

March 30th, 2024|

Thank you for your faithfulness to our great Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in enabling the spread of the Gospel in Gabon through your prayers and support! The Saviour Jesus said, ''And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the [...]

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Things Are Exciting Around Here!

March 29th, 2024|

We are well into the year, and things around here are exciting! God has allowed us to see many souls saved during the first three months of the year, and we have had three baptisms. Please pray that we will see many more come to Christ and follow the Lord in baptism. Last month, a lady who has been [...]

Jonathan and Brittany Beil Resignation Letter

March 28th, 2024|

It was a good day when the Lord brought the Beil family to FBMI. It has been our honor to serve God together with them for the past 6½ years. They have worked hard and have been fruitful in the Lord’s harvest. Bro. Beil has recently informed me that they will be resigning from FBMI in order to work [...]

Team Ghana Update: New Bible College Students

March 28th, 2024|

We thank the Lord for the influence He has given us through our Bible college. Of course, we have had many students from Ghana; in addition, we have enrolled students from Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Benin, Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, Zambia, and Togo. We have graduates serving in Gh [...]

Caleb and Emily Christiansen Prayer Letter: A New Church Plant

March 27th, 2024|

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. For those who did not find out through our ministry Facebook page, at the beginning of March, Emily was in the hospital for about a week due to a very serious infection. This was compounded by the fact that when Emily first went to the hospital, I w [...]

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