Wes & Cynthia Palla2023-10-06T12:43:08-05:00




Wes Birthday 11/24
Cynthia Birthday 05/16
Wes & Cynthia Wedding Anniversary 09/01
Mia Birthday 11/22
Mahaela Birthday 05/15
Mariella Birthday 06/23
Michael Birthday 10/17

Wes and Cynthia Palla are missionaries serving in São Paulo, Brazil. They have been married for nine years and have three daughters:  Mia, Mahaela, and Mariella.

Upon graduating from Bible college, they spent two years working with Missionary Kevin Wynne in Mexico City. They worked in various ministries there and also helped to plant churches in South America. After their time in Mexico, they returned to the States to raise support for Brazil. Upon completion of deputation, they moved to São Paulo, Brazil, in the spring of 2014.

During the last two years, they have helped to plant churches in several South
American countries, learned Portuguese, and made yearly trips into the Amazon Basin to evangelize unreached people groups. In the summer of 2016, they founded the Maranatha Baptist Church of Guarulhos, Brazil. Their prayer is to see God build His church there in Guarulhos and to see it become a pattern church involved in starting scores of other churches across the city of São Paulo and the nation of Brazil.

Their long-term goal is to see the people and churches of Brazil grow beyond being missionary “receivers” and become missionary “senders.”

Ministry Goals Moving Forward


  • Soul winning and discipleship
  • The growth and grounding of Maranatha Baptist Church, Guarulhos, Brazil
  • Eventual Bible institute to provide doctrinal and practical training


  • Send out pastors, preachers, and teachers
  • Continue Amazon outreach, using medical/dental clinics to get the Gospel into tribal areas
  • Strengthen the churches in the Amazon Basin


  • Send out missionaries to other Portuguese-speaking countries (19)
  • Continue to assist in planting churches across our continent (12 churches to date)

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


75 Foxfire Lane
Charleston, WV 25312
Rua Praia de Itamaracá Qd. B8, Lt. 18
Vilas do Atlântico, Lauro de Freitas BA
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #154.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Initial Phase for Next Church Plant

Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Initial Phase for Next Church PlantWe thank the Lord for your faithful prayers and support. It has been an encouraging time to minister in this part of Brazil. We have seen souls saved and families added to the church since our last prayer letter, and while the days have not been without adversity, the Lord’s goodness is always evident.

Recently, we have been dealing with some paperwork headaches regarding the church’s legal status. It was a big deal to get these things ironed out because this affects several areas of future ministry, things like sponsoring in new missionaries, deeding donated land in the church’s name, etc. Right about the time I was ready to pull my remaining hair out, the Lord brought a new lawyer across our paths who very quickly explained everything, got it all sorted, and got it ready for submission to the local government office. What a relief!

As soon as all the bureaucracy is squared away, we will be able to put the new land in the church’s name, and we can begin construction of a church building on that site. As a reminder, this land will actually be an all new church that will be planted in the next town, which is about 25 minutes away from our first church. We are very eager to see how the Lord will bless the new work. A family that has recently begun attending our church lives very close to the second location. They are anticipating being part of the initial launch of the new church and have already been reaching out to friends in the area, letting them know that a fundamental Baptist church will soon be established in their town. Our prayer is that Lord will move this new work forward in a powerful way.

On the prayer-request front, we are grateful for those who have been praying for Cynthia’s health. We have seen noticeable improvement, and there are some ongoing tests to help the doctors know how to treat her moving forward. By God’s grace, she hasn’t missed a beat. Please pray for our Family Month this month and for our Vacation Bible School next month. Thank you so much for partnering with us to reach the northeast of Brazil. God bless you.

Declaring His glory,

Wesley Palla
Psalm 96:3

May 10th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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