Missionary #60132023-09-05T11:50:44-05:00








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Missionary #6013 Prayer Letter: Time of Preparation

Missionary #6013 Prayer Letter:  Time of PreparationRecently, when we were soul winning, I met a lady named Linda. She had gone to church for 30 years. She had a lot to say about her love of Jesus Christ. She had eventually stopped going to church because she realized her church only seemed to care about the next building project. Even after all of those years sitting in church each week, it became clear that Linda didn’t understand salvation. She was still under the impression that our dedication to Christ was the ultimate determiner of salvation. When I explained how putting our faith in Christ’s completed work is really how we are saved, she began to cry. How thankful I am that my salvation is a gift that has already been paid for!

I met another lady just a couple weeks ago by the name of Kia. When I knocked on her door and we began to talk, she shared about how she had never really gone to church and didn’t know much about the Bible or Heaven. When I asked her how a person could go to Heaven, she answered honestly with an “I don’t know.” I was able to take her through the Bible and show her what God has revealed about salvation. She knew so little at the start but soon very sweetly received Christ as her Saviour. It made me think of the people in Asia who know so little about what God has done for them. If only they had someone to tell them, they, too, could eagerly accept God’s gift of salvation.

Time of Preparation

We are busy getting ready for the field. We have finished the kids’ vaccinations and are now trying to get the doctor’s appointments lined up for our health-certification paperwork. We are hoping to have all of our forms prepared within a few days of our last doctor’s appointment on the 27th of June. If we can submit the paperwork quickly to the consulate, then it should only be a few weeks until we are able to purchase our plane tickets.

We are still traveling and have had some really encouraging meetings recently. Churches are continuing to take us on, and we’re glad to have further support raised so that we can have more to invest in the ministry when we get there.

Prayer Requests

Please pray that our visa confirmation comes through quickly without any complications. We are also following leads surrounding shipping a crate over to Taiwan. We are packing multiple totes to bring through the airport on the day we fly out, but we would like to send a small crate of belongings after we have determined where we will be living in Taiwan. There are things we are buying now in preparation for the move since we will not be able to get everything on the field. We are also busy getting the kids’ homeschool materials lined up for the next several years. Attending to all of the details surrounding the move feels a bit like juggling, but we are rejoicing in the completion of deputation. Sooner than we expect, we’ll be there, ready to jump into the work about which we have been praying. Thank you for your prayers. We are humbled by them, and we are working hard to be worthy investments.

Here for Him,

Missionary #6013

June 19th, 2024|Tags: , |



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