Andrew & Denise Long2023-10-06T11:36:40-05:00




Andrew Birthday 12/09
Denise Birthday 11/22
Andrew & Denise Wedding Anniversary 03/09
Gideon Birthday 06/07

Emmanuel Baptist Church
2200 W Loop 281
Longview, TX 75604


+66 (095)167-6210
162 M. 14 Khuang Pao, Chom Thong

Chiang Mai 50160 TH

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Andrew and Denise Long Prayer Letter: To God Be the Glory; Great Things He Hath Done!

Andrew and Denise Long Prayer Letter: To God Be the Glory; Great Things He Hath Done!“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)

To God be the glory; great things He hath done! The church in Pranburi is steadily progressing, and the believers are growing in the Lord. There is hardly a week that passes without a visitor. Praise the Lord!

It is a very exciting thing when God leads you to someone who has been desiring to know Him. My wife was out of town, so Silas and I decided to take a trip to get out and enjoy a little of God’s creation. We rode to a village about 45 minutes away from our church. It is out in the mountains, and there is no electricity there, with the exception of a couple solar panels. We pitched our tents by a mountain stream and spent the evening reading the Scriptures and praying together. We both had a longing in our hearts to see God work.

Rising at daybreak the next morning, we made breakfast and read and prayed some more. A couple hours later, some children appeared out of the jungle on the other side of the stream and walked across a makeshift stone dam to our side. They were headed to school, so we handed them copies of John and Romans, along with some tracts, and they went on their way. We packed up our campsite and decided to walk through the village to see if we could share the Gospel with anyone. We came to a bamboo house near our campsite and began to converse with a man and his wife. After some time, they both trusted Christ.

We continued walking through the little village, passing out the tracts and John and Romans. We rounded the corner, and a man was coming down the dirt road on his moped. We held out a John and Romans, and he stopped to ask what it was and what we were doing. We told him we were missionaries, and we were telling people about Jesus and how they could go to Heaven when they die. “Oh, I’ve been wanting to know about this!” came his reply. He asked if we could come to his home because he wanted his wife to hear also. We followed him back to where we had pitched our tents and commenced to walking across the makeshift stone dam. Then we hiked into the jungle and up the mountainside. When we arrived at his house, which was made from small trees from the jungle, he called for his neighbours to come hear also. A good while later, Dhet, Benz, Nadia, and Chot all trusted the Lord Jesus to save them. Praise the Lord!

Please remember in your prayers, Bro. Isaac, a man in India whom I trained. He was born and lives in the most hostile, anti-Christian state in India. The Hindus have put out the word where he is to turn in all missionaries and pastors. He has five groups of believers he meets with regularly in different locations. I also help him teach, through a video call once a month, 18 men he is training for the ministry. Bro. Isaac and his family stayed in our home for some time during his training. We love him and his family dearly. Please pray for God’s protection and for more to come to Christ in this hostile state. There are six men who actively help him share the Gospel. They only have one motorcycle—seven men on a 100cc Suzuki (Ha! Ha!); it’s quite a sight. We are praying for three more motorcycles (approximately $1,500 each). In one of the locations, he is also praying for land to build a building for church and a place to train the men (approximately $7,000 for land and a building). It is hard to rent a building there when they know it is for a church, but by God’s grace, he is pressing on.

May God bless you and your work for Him there as we work for Him here! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Yours for His harvest,

Andrew & Denise Long
Romans 10:14

September 27th, 2024|Tags: , |



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