Ricardo Leyva Prayer letter: I Love the Mission Field
Greetings from the mission field! The past three months were very quiet ministry wise. No one was baptized, and fewer people were saved; however, I still presented the Gospel to people everywhere. On the other hand, I have more quiet times with myself and the Lord! It is very rewarding to let God speak to me during these quiet times.
Nine months after my wife passed away, I have overcome the loneliness—I am okay to be alone! On the other hand, understanding that the Bible says, “. . . It is not good that the man should be alone . . . .” (Genesis 2:18), I do plan to remarry in the future. I don’t want to rush things and marry the wrong person. I want, as always, God’s will for my life as I continue to serve my Master.
Speaking of God’s will, I know it is God’s will for me to stay on the mission field! I love my people and the people of the mission field. I love the mission field!
I will be on furlough starting in September. It will be a short furlough for as little as three months to the longest of six months.
Two small independent Baptist churches had been started in two Cuban cities by Cuban nationals that have been directly or indirectly influenced by missionaries in the last decade. Every opportunity I have to preach and teach in any of these new churches, I encourage them in these four areas: (1) soul winning, (2) prayer, (3) missions, and (4) the power of the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life and get people saved. We will know in eternity how we all were a blessing to people that we had forgotten!
Hurricane season started this month, and already a big hurricane has formed in the Atlantic. Hurricane Beryl is coming our way. It is a Category 4 hurricane already. It is expected to land in Cuba or on the Yucatan Peninsula on Wednesday night or so. Please pray for God’s safety for me and the church people.
Serving Christ in Cuba,
Ricardo Leyva
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