Daniel & Erin Lang2024-08-13T15:45:22-05:00




Dan Birthday 06/06
Erin Birthday 07/23
Dan & Erin Wedding Anniversary 08/26
Ezekiel Birthday 05/24
Gianna Birthday 06/19

Daniel’s Testimony:
By God’s grace, I had the amazing opportunity to grow up in a Godly, Christian home. Very early on, I was taught the value of hard work, how to be respectful, and much more. I was raised in a pastor’s home and was shown, by example, that living for Jesus Christ is truly the most amazing, way to live life. I believe that the two people who have had the greatest impact on my life are my parents. On February 3, 2006, at a revival meeting, as the preacher preached on the terrors of Hell, I realized that this pastor’s kid was on his way to Hell. I met my Junior. Church teacher at the altar and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and take me to Heaven when I died. The next year at a Youth Conference, I was called to preach. A little while after that, a Missions Conference, I felt God calling me to go to the mission field. After I graduated high school, I went to Hyles-Anderson College, where I met my wife Erin. We both graduated in May 2017. We were married August 26, 2017. From our graduation until we started deputation, we served at our sending church, Temple Baptist Church in Muncie, Indiana.

Erin’s Testimony:
I had the privilege to grow up in an amazing Christian home. Our family served faithfully in the church and its ministries. Even though I was raised in a Godly environment, I was not saved until I was a teenager. The Lord graciously allowed me to hear message after message; then in 2011 at a youth
conference, I finally received assurance of my salvation. While attending Bible college, the Lord allowed me to meet and date my husband Daniel. He shared his burden for missions with me, which has become our focus. The Lord has allowed both my husband and me to visit missionaries in Africa, and we feel that He is leading us to this needful field. I am truly excited to see what the Lord has in store for us as we endeavor to reach the lost souls of Nigeria.

In 2018, we were appointed to serve with Fundamental Baptist Missions International, the word and in January 2019, we started a 32-month deputation. After visiting 175 churches to raise financial support, we arrived on the field in October 2021. We are serving with veteran missionary, Mark Holmes, and his family. I would like to give a summary of what God has done and is doing through us. Any company in which you invest will usually send an annual report of how your contributions are faring; they tend to be very detailed, full of numbers, and quite boring. On the contrary, I hope that you will see our details as a depiction of our efforts to be accountable, the numbers as representations of souls and churches, and the report as an encouraging description of the return on your investments in our ministry.

Serving at Truth Baptist Church, Abuja, Nigeria

– My wife has started and coordinates a nursery during the Sunday morning services. She also teaches a teen girls’ Sunday school class and plays the piano for the congregational singing. She is learning sign language to be able to help in our deaf ministry.

– I fill in as a substitute Sunday school teacher and preach periodically during the services. We are involved in the regularly scheduled soul-winning and visitation times.

– I have helped to coordinate a discipleship program where we disciple converts and laymen and train those who are wanting to disciple others.

– I will oftentimes go and see first-time visitors in their homes. During this visit, I normally can give a clear presentation of the Gospel and teach on eternal security, baptism, etc. Home visits are very important here and a good time to gather the family and preach the Gospel.

– I’ve taught 7 six-week courses at our Bible institute, which it is held every Saturday.

– I’ve had the opportunity to preach and give the Gospel in schools, police stations, village meetings, etc. We’ve seen about 75 people saved in these unique venues.

– We’ve been able to help coordinate some big days at our church (Police Sunday, Academy Sunday, Friend Day, etc.). In August 2023, we had Friend Day at the church. We had a record of 520 people, with over 120 visitors!

– In our own personal soul-winning efforts, we’ve seen about 45 people get saved.

Bible Institutes

– I’ve traveled to 7 different independent Baptist churches in seven different states and have had the opportunity to help each of them start a Bible institute at their church. Five of the 7 are graduates of our Bible seminary. We believe that God will use these institutes to train men who will pastor their own churches soon. We not only help the church start the institute, we also will continue to provide the pastor with advice, encouragement, materials, and financial help as he leads the institute.

– In the 7 new institutes, there are currently about 75 students enrolled.

– During these travels, I’ve baptized about 35 people, and we’ve seen at least 125 souls saved through soul winning, night showing of the Jesus film, and special church services.

These are some of the things that God is doing through us. There is so much more to be done! We hope that you will consider being a part of what God is doing here in Nigeria, West Africa.

Temple Baptist Church
3501 South Madison Street.
Muncie, IN 47302
(765) 288-7632


U.S. Mailing Address
9700 Highland Drive.
Perrinton, MI 48871
Field Address
Daniel Lang
P.O. Box 2877
Garki-Abuja FCT 900001




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #202.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Daniel and Erin Lang Prayer Letter: Surprises!

Daniel and Erin Lang Prayer Letter:  Surprises!We are excited to announce that we are expecting Baby #3! Please pray that things would go well, as we are planning on staying here in Nigeria until shortly before the due date. Erin and the baby are doing well, though she does have some morning sickness.

In July, Erin’s parents came to be with us for two weeks! I was successfully able to surprise Erin and the kids, as they had no idea about the visit! We had a wonderful time and are very grateful for their heart for the Lord! During their time here, they were able to preach and teach multiple times and be an overall blessing to our pastors and church members. It’s not an easy thing to allow your daughter and grandchildren to live in a different part of the world; yet, because they decided years ago to encourage their children to follow God’s will, they now have peace that we are in God’s hands. I would encourage every parent to allow God to lead their children in whichever direction that He chooses! They took advantage of the newer visa-on- arrival opportunity; they were able to attain the visa and come through Immigration quite seamlessly.

In June and July, I was personally able to lead 7 people to Christ in their homes while making follow-up visits. Oftentimes, when we make a visit at someone’s house, family members or neighbors will sit and allow me to explain the Gospel to them. What a privilege it is to be able to tell people that Christ has died for them so that they don’t have to!

Thank you for praying for our “Deaf Family Day”! We had 348 people in attendance, with around 50 of them being visitors who came specifically because they had been invited by one of our deaf members. All of them heard a clear presentation of the Gospel, and many raised their hands, indicating that they had placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone to save them!

Our final “Who Will Go?” Youth Camp was held in July. Due to a schedule change, I was not able to make it, but it was very successful! Throughout the 3 camps, we had 400 young people attend, around 100 surrender to do whatever God leads them to do, 25 surrender to preach, and 6 surrender to go to and are planning to attend Bible college this fall! Please pray, as we are beginning to plan for next year’s camps.

Thank you for your prayers! We know that it takes folks like you to send folks like us!

In His service,

Daniel, Erin, Zeke, and Gianna Lang


August 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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