Mshama & Martha Kinyonga2023-10-06T11:23:09-05:00




Mshama Birthday 05/12
Martha Birthday 06/23
Mshama & Martha Wedding Anniversary 05/30
Esther Birthday 03/06
Benjamin Birthday 06/11
Rachel Birthday 01/28

My name is Mshama Kinyonga, and my wife’s name is Martha. We both graduated in May 2009 from Hyles-Anderson College. Our goal is to reach the people of my home country of Tanzania.

I was saved at the age of fifteen and had a desire to serve God with my life. I attended Faith Baptist Church in Morogoro, Tanzania, and it was there that my desire continued to grow. My pastor, Jerry Wyatt Jr., influenced me to get involved in the ministry. I taught a Sunday school class for children at church and the Bible in the public schools. I also worked in the Puppet Ministry, where we used puppets to go to different public schools, in the Bible Clubs, and in open-air evangelistic meetings. We were able to draw good crowds to present the Gospel. I even had the opportunity to work in the Village Ministry, where we would go to different villages and present the Gospel. The Lord has allowed me to see many people get saved and have their lives transformed in our ministries. In 2005 the Lord gave me the great privilege of going to Hyles-Anderson College to further my life’s calling.

My wife Martha was saved at the age of six. She, too, had a great desire to serve God with her life. She had the opportunity to teach second grade in Kampala, Uganda, at a Christian school. There in Uganda her desire for the African people grew strong. She not only had the privilege to teach English, science, and math; but she was able to teach Bible Clubs too. Throughout her ten-month stay, she was able to capture her students’ hearts; however, the ministry was continuing to capture hers. When she returned to the States, the Lord allowed her to enroll at Hyles- Anderson College, where He would continue to direct her steps.

During our time at Hyles-Anderson College, not only did the Lord bring us together, but He also allowed us the opportunity to get involved in the ministry of First Baptist Church of Hammond. I worked in the Bus Ministry all four years of college, as did my wife. The fact that God gave us a chance to influence people and to bring more sinners to the Saviour was incredible. I thank God for this great college, which trained us to be full-time in the ministry. Not only did we learn practical skills, but also our hearts continued to be softened to the needs of people.

My wife and I are excited to be teaching the people in Tanzania. Our focal point is to transfer the knowledge we received at college to the Tanzanians so they, too, can train others for full-time Christian service.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


801 Oak Ridge Dr.
Springfield, TN 37172
BOX 200 Morogoro, Tanzania
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #162.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter: 10th Anniversary Service!

Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter: 10th Anniversary Service!We are always honored when we get to write our update letter explaining what God has been doing. Thank you to all who prayed for my safe travel back to Tanzania. It was a smooth and uneventful flight, which included receiving all my luggage, so amen to that. Just a little over a week or so after I arrived, our church was celebrating its 10th Anniversary. We were praying, as you all know, for 1,000 people, so much planning and many preparations were being finalized. It was so encouraging to see faithful folks pitching in and giving of their day to come help down at the church. God blessed us that day with 1,350 people in attendance, 156 trusting in Christ, and 4 following in believer’s baptism. That day, I was also able to perform 3 weddings. To say I was tired at the end of the day was an understatement, but it was a “good tired.” Looking back over these years, I am humbled that God would use our family to do a work for Him. He has always provided and has been faithful, and I am looking forward to what God will do in the future with His church.

I want to make sure I take the time while I am here to encourage the folks to keep focusing spiritually, to kind of reset what we as Christians are supposed to be doing, what God wants us to do daily. It has been great to see the response in individuals and in our homes. I am just challenging them to continue going soul winning, having a love for souls, being faithful on Wednesdays, being that “light” that the world needs. I also challenged them to continue to “add to their faith” the things that will help them produce spiritual fruit. We have had a great response to our Saturday soul winning, averaging 60 soul winners. We have averaged 180 in attendance the last couple of Wednesdays. Please continue to pray that new coverts and old converts will continue to see the importance of growth and that they will surround themselves with the Word of God and with friends who will encourage them as well.

Thank you to all for your continued prayers for our family. The support you all have shown has not gone unnoticed. We continue to covet your prayers especially for Martha’s health. We thank God that the cancer has not spread to other parts of her body; however, the spot on her liver continues to grow. We know that God is faithful, and we will continue to trust in Him alone. Esther and Benjamin started school. We have an official high schooler. She started 9th grade, and Benjamin is K5. Rachel is three years old now, and Sarah is two; they continue to give us joy at home. We love and appreciate you guys. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns that we can help with.

For His glory,

Mshama, Martha, Esther, Benjamin, Rachel, and Sarah Kinyonga

September 2nd, 2024|Tags: , |



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