Daniel’s Phone |
219.213.1169 |
Megan’s Phone |
336.257.4537 |
Mailing Address |
309 Virginia Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 |
Email Address |
daniel.gonzalez@fbmi.org |
Thank you for praying for our family, as we are still adjusting to living in El Salvador full-time. We flew down to El Salvador with the rest of our belongings on November 13. We were able to spend our first Thanksgiving and Christmas here. What a blessing it is to be able to spend the holidays with my parents here. Thank you to all of the churches that sent us a special Christmas love offering!
We were able to take over a Bible Club in a little community called Emanuel. It’s been very successful and turned into a bus route. It first started with a van-full attending on Sunday mornings, and then it quickly turned into needing a bus. We have been averaging 25-40 children and adults coming on Sunday mornings from the Bible Club area. In the month of December, we saw 60 souls saved at the Bible Club.
For Christmas, all of the children received a Happy Meal and gift bags filled with little toys. On Saturday soul winning after the Bible Club, I was able to see one lady, Alexa, get saved. Please pray that she will be able to attend church and follow in the Lord’s baptism.
We need prayer about raising more funds for a church van. We have one man in our church who bought a van to donate it to the church. It’s very old and needs mechanic work almost every week just to get it running. We are looking to buy another van that is more reliable. The church has already raised $500, and we had a generous love offering of $1,000, given by Bible Baptist Church in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Thank you so much for helping us get to El Salvador and for praying for us!
For His glory,
The Gonzalez Family
We flew back to the U.S. at the end of August to finish the last few deputation meetings we had scheduled and to work on Megan’s residency paperwork. [...]
We arrived in Santa Ana, El Salvador, on June 3. Our travels went as smoothly as they could go. God took care of everything. Our boys did a wonderful [...]
Thank you all for your prayers for our family while on deputation. On April 9, we had our third little boy. We named him Levi Henry Gonzalez. He is th [...]