Henry Birthday 11/25
Tammie Birthday 04/03
Henry & Tammie Wedding Anniversary 12/27
Daniel Birthday 12/20
Tommy Joel Birthday 11/07
Brenda Carol Birthday 04/17
Grace Birthday 09/12

We are a soul winning ministry reaching the city of Santa Ana, the second largest city in the country of El Salvador. We want to reach the entire nation by training national preacher boys to start churches in every surrounding area and, eventually, all over the nation. To this end was the Bible institute started. We are now extending our outreach into the entire Central American region by a biannual Pastor´s Conference held in our church. God has allowed us the blessing of now seeing our ministry being led by those who were originally reached through our ministry.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Apdo. Postal #14,
Santa Anna, El Salvador
Central America
Apdo. Postal #14,
Santa Anna, El Salvador
Central America
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #19.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


  • Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Letter: Thank You for Your Prayers!I want to begin this letter with a praise to God for working in a mighty way in my health. On Wednesday night after church, I started feeling very sick. I had several symptoms, but my pain was masked by a neuropathy condition I have. I felt slightly better on Thursday, but I still did not feel well. On Friday, I kept a commitment with a fellow missionary, going to a nearby town to help in the opening service of a new church. I gradually felt worse throughout the day. That night I was unable to sleep due to the intense pain.

    On Saturday morning, I went to my doctor, who very quickly diagnosed me with gallstones and told me I needed emergency surgery. After consulting with a surgeon, it was decided that I should be admitted for pain management and preoperative evaluations. Surgery was scheduled for Sunday morning at 8:00.

    The doctor is amazed at how well I am doing at this point. He said it was obvious that God had a hand in my healing process. Please pray that we will be able to be a witness to the doctor and a blessing to him. Please pray that God will be glorified through this entire process.

    I am thankful for the members of the Iglesia Bautista Independiente de Santa Ana. Their faithfulness to do their part in the ministry has been so important this last week. I am thankful to and for Missionary Gabriel Bonilla. He came and preached Sunday and was a great blessing to our church. I am thankful for our home pastor, Pastor John Wilkerson. He has been diligent in checking in on how I am doing. I am thankful for our FBMI office family. So many details needed attention, and they have been a great help to Tammie while I continue recovering. Thanks to those of you who contacted Tammie, asking how I was doing, and to those who sent a special gift to help with the extra expenses.

    Please keep us in your prayers. We love you.

    Joyfully in His service,

    Henry Gonzalez

    Published On: February 13th, 2025Tags: ,