2057 Allen Street Adrian, MI 49221 |
P.O. Box 20138 Windhoek, Namibia Africa |
thomas.dinius@fbmi.org |
I recently heard a song, “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord,” taken from Job 1:21; 42:10-14. Several lines of the song spoke to me: “The Lord giveth; He taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” and “He’s done it before, and He will do it today!”
God provided housing for us in South Africa with strangers (a friend of a friend) as we went through immigration for our son Jamie. God also provided the intellectual and technical skills needed to do multiple, long, complex forms online with the help of the husband where we were staying.
On September 7, we arrived safely on American soil with five suitcases in hand and our son. Praise the Lord! Our friends from our home church took us in for two weeks. Then on September 25, God opened up a mobile home for us to rent for one year while we are seeking God’s will for what He wants us to do here, as He brought us back here now for a reason. With our suitcases and two inflatable beds, we moved in and then watched as, day by day, God met our needs and even some of hearts’ desires.
Ministry in Namibia
I am in communication with the church weekly and busy setting up the Bible college training for the men from this side by Zoom and WhatsApp. Please pray, as I continue to run into snags. I was told that the work permit was rejected, but no restriction was placed on us, so we can come back on a visitor or tourist visa. We are planning a trip between January and March.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for the trip back to Namibia.
2. Pray for Justino and Trymore as they lead the church.
3. Pray for Jamie’s citizenship.
4. Pray for wisdom going forward.
5. Pray for souls to be saved both here and there.
6. Pray for the church in Namibia as it continues to adjust.
7. Pray for my hip. I pulled something while lifting the couch into the mobile home. X-rays show a past fracture of my hip/pelvis bone—I was robbed in Namibia two years ago and fell on my hip. The doctor thinks I sprained a ligament in my pelvis. I am having trouble sitting for long periods of time, especially driving. Pray for complete healing.Thank you all for your prayers and support, which were and are so vital to us.
In partnership for Christ,
Tom & Margo Dinius and Jamie
“I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy [...]
I think often of the words to this song, “Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.” He has walked with me through the hurts, the pain, the weakness, [...]
Let us rejoice in our God!! We are so THANKFUL for His care of us and for His faithfulness. He has allowed us to serve Him in Namibia since June 22, 2 [...]