Adam & Karen DePaolis2024-06-07T09:59:07-05:00




Adam Birthday 05/04
Karin Birthday 03/26
Anniversary 07/02/21
Olivia Birthday 05/17

I grew up in a Christian home. At the age of 4 years old I knelt beside my dad ́s bed and he led me to Christ. As a child most my memories revolved the church. My family was very active in our local church. One of my favorite times of the year was our annual Missions Conference. In March of 2002, at the age of 12 years old, while attending our Missions Conference I surrendered my life to serve God as a missionary. I had no idea at that time where God would lead me, all I knew was that He had called me to missions.

While attended Bible college, I was around many Hispanics. Through having friends who were Hispanic, and many bus kids who were Hispanic as well, God began to place a burden on my heart for the Spanish people.

In the spring of 2009 I had the opportunity to take my first missions trip with a group from my bible college. We spent a few days in Honduras, and the rest of our trip was spent with a group of missionaries in the country of Belize. While in Belize I had the chance to go soulwinning, help in the children ́s ministry, as well help the men of the church construct a new auditorium for the church.

Since June of 2017 I ́ve had the privilege to be a part of the Spanish department of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. While attended there I ́ve been able to sing in the choir, as well as sing as a soloist. I ́ve worked in the children ́s church, teen department, bus ministry, etc. All while being able to learn and improve my Spanish.

In the fall of 2019 I went to Mexico for the first time. I spent a month there traveling some 1,200 miles throughout the country, visiting different churches. One of the churches that I visited during this trip was the Iglesia Buatista Liberted ( Liberty Baptist Church ) in Teotihuacan, Mexico. The pastor there is Pastor Adolfo Lima. God really touched my heart while there, and I believe that He would have me to return to this church and to serve along side this pastor for the time being.

Thank you so much for your considered partnership in the call of God upon my life. I prayer that together we can further the gospel in your community, and around the world.

Adam DePaolis Missionary to Mexico

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


U.S Phone Number
Mexico Phone Number
Email Address
Personal Website




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #211.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Adam and Karen DePaolis Prayer Letter: Answered Prayers

Adam and Karen DePaolis Prayer Letter:  Answered PrayersWe want to take a moment to give you an update about what we have been up to these last two months of August and September. We started out at the beginning of August on the West Coast. We spent our last Sunday in California with River City Baptist Church in Sacramento, California, before driving 32 hours straight through to Chicago, Illinois—definitely not something that I would recommend. While in the Midwest, we had the chance to visit three churches, one of which was the Marion Avenue Baptist Church in Washington, Iowa. They invited us for their Missions Conference, along with eight other families. It was probably one of the most encouraging meetings that we have had to this point. From the moment that we arrived, we could feel their passion for missions and their love for the missionaries. We left the conference feeling loved and extremely encouraged.

After leaving the Midwest, we headed south to Arkansas, where we had a few meetings before returning here to Pennsylvania, which is where we started from back in January. We had another Missions Conference in Arkansas, where we were also very well taken care of. In Jonesboro, Arkansas, we had the chance to visit Iglesia Bautista Salvos Por Gracia, the church of a friend of mine from college. The church there has a mission church that they started at a sweet potato farm. I was given the opportunity to preach the Gospel to a group of about 25 migrant men who have come up from Mexico to work in the fields, planting and harvesting the crops. It was humbling to hear their stories. Many come from rural parts of Mexico where there are few Gospel-preaching churches.

We have now come full circle back to Pennsylvania where we started out. We thank God for His protection over us during these last nine months. We have traveled over 20,000 miles and seen much of the country. Thank you all, our faithful supporters, for your prayers as well. Your prayers for us have been evident; they are something that we do not take for granted.

We reached two big milestones these past few months. As you know, one of our prayer requests that we have mentioned in several of our prayer letters has been for a vehicle. Thanks to your prayers and support, we have been able to set enough money aside so that we can buy a vehicle when we get back to Mexico. The second is that we have officially reached 50% of our support goal. None of this would have been possible without our financial and prayer partners. Thank you once again. We are humbled by your generosity.

Adam, Karen, and Olivia DePaolis
Missionaries in Mexico
Philippians 1:6

PS. A special thank you to the Patch Club Kids at Sylvania Hills Baptist Church in Rochester, Pennsylvania, for the love offering that you sent us. We love you and are praying for you.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

October 3rd, 2024|Tags: , |



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