Elias & Robyn Correa2023-09-07T10:01:31-05:00




Elias Birthday 10/30
Robyn Birthday 05/10
Elias & Robyn Wedding Anniversary 09/04

Saved by His Grace

I grew up in Adrian, Michigan. When I was just a small child, my parents divorced, and I lived with my dad. I don’t recall ever going to church, and as a teen I chose to live without direction or proper standards. Through a series of poor choices, I became very rebellious and, at the age of nineteen, found myself making going downhill quickly.  I met some nice folks from Berean Baptist Church and they shared the Gospel with me. Upon hearing the Gospel for the first time in my life, I readily accepted Christ as Saviour on February 28, 1990. I spent the next two years getting to know the Lord. Daily I spent hours upon hours in prayer and Bible reading. I became a student of the Bible and had an unquenchable desire to grow. I witnessed to the others around me the best I knew how.

In the spring of 1991, I received some preaching tapes that God used to call me into the ministry. They were all by the same pastor, except one. That particular tape was by Dr. Jack Hyles. It was through this tape that God called me to preach. I was rebellious and told God that He couldn’t use me, because I had messed up my life too much. But God was at work in my life.

In January of 1992, I began attending Berean Baptist Church pastored by Dr. Mike Cox. I was baptized soon after that. God was still at work. I knew He wanted to use me, but I didn’t think I was a qualified candidate. I sought counsel from Dr. Cox and an assistant pastor. They assured me that God could use anyone He chose, and that “if God wants you to do something, the best thing to do is to just go ahead and do it.” I surrendered to God’s will for my life and made preparation to move to Northwest Indiana to attend Hyles-Anderson College.

I met my wife Robyn in 1989; we were high school sweethearts. Dr. Cox’s wife led her to the Lord on February 28, 1990. We were married September 4, 1992. Soon after, we were expecting our first child, due the following September.

In December of 1993, my wife, my three-month-old son, and I packed up a truck and moved to Indiana. I still didn’t know in what capacity God wanted me to serve. God began to plant the seed of missions in my heart, and I watered it with prayer. That seed began to grow. God was directing us towards missions. During a mission conference held at the college, God confirmed that call to missions in my life. I went forward that Sunday and surrendered to give my life to reach the world with the Gospel.

I started full-time deputation January 8, 2003, and graduated from Hyles-Anderson College on January 29, 2003, with a bachelor of science in pastoral theology. I was ordained into the Gospel ministry on October 18, 2003. On November 29, 2005, we left for Ireland to start the Anchor Baptist Church. After turning this work over to another man, God directed me to start a new Bible study in another part of the country. God also opened several doors to help other churches and ministries get started. We have had the privilege to minister throughout the country, as well as in several places throughout Europe. We are honored to have had these opportunities in the past and are excited for further opportunities to serve Him in the future.

After 13 years or being a full time missionary to Ireland, the door began to close due to changing immigration laws.  However, when God closes one door, He always opens another.  In August of 2016 I sought counsel to serve full time with a ministry called Wings Bearing Precious Seed.  WBPS is a Worldwide Scripture Distribution ministry.  As of January 2017, I have served with Wings and have had the privilege to have a part in sending millions of Scripture portions throughout the world as well as serve on several mission trips to help missionaries on the field.

Berean Baptist Church
751 W. Maumee St.
Adrian, MI 49221
(517) 263-4312


751 W. Maumee St.
Adrian, MI 49221




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #89.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Elias and Robyn Correa Prayer Letter: Blessings

Elias and Robyn Correa Prayer Letter: Blessings• So far in 2024, we have shipped over 11 million Scriptures in 18 languages to 16 countries around the world!
• Praise the Lord for some good test results for Mrs. Johnson, our director’s wife—she is cancer-free!
• Pray for the release of the container in Nigeria.
• Pray for our upcoming Christ 4 Colombia trip, August 26 – September 3.
• Pray for our upcoming Christ 4 Corpus Christi trip, November 18–25.

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)


Thanks for all your prayers. A nominal Christian guy who works in the office of Karachi Port helped us get the Bibles—no charges, no fees. The Karachi Port said that we were not eligible to get them, but God made a way—after 20 months of waiting for them. Thanks for sending them to us.


Container arrives and is being distributed in India. Pray for protection for the believers (hostile region), power upon the seed and the sower, and much fruit!

Elias & Robyn Correa

August 20th, 2024|Tags: , |



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