Caleb and Emily Christiansen



Caleb Birthday 06/22
Emily Birthday 04/20
Caleb & Emily Wedding Anniversary 08/18
Emma Birthday 05/11
Lydia Birthday 03/25

Caleb’s Testimony:

I had the great privilege to be born into a faithful pastor’s home. I grew up in a godly, Christian environment being exposed to the Gospel at a young age. I was saved as a six-year-old boy when after a junior church service I realized that I wasn’t saved even though I was the Pastor’s son. I went to my father’s office between the morning and evening service and asked my father how I could go to Heaven. He showed me straight from the Bible how to be saved and I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour that day.

Emily’s Testimony:

I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Maine, and I am a fourth-generation ‘Mainiac’. I was given the privilege of growing up in a good godly home, where my family attended church anytime the doors were open.

At the age of 5, I made a profession of faith, but I was not truly saved until the age of 14. I struggled with doubts about my salvation for many months until a Wednesday night in September of 2008 after teen soul-winning. I humbled myself by going to my youth pastor, and in his office, I settled my salvation.

I experienced a burden for missions from a very young age as we had missionaries regularly stay in our home. Getting to know missionaries on a personal level and being able to see their love for the Saviour and heart to reach the world impacted me greatly as I grew up. I was called to preach as a teenager and went to Hyles-Anderson College to train for the ministry not sure where in the world the Lord wanted me to serve. However, as I continued my training I became convinced that God wanted me to serve as a missionary and as time went on I became even more convinced that God was calling me to serve in Nigeria.

It was an amazing thing when I first started dating Emily, who would become my wife. I told her at the very beginning of our relationship that I would be going to Nigeria to serve as a missionary, and she revealed to me that she had the desire to be a missionary in Africa since she was a little girl. I was so awed that God would bring into my life a helpmeet with a vision so much like my own.

God has been so good in calling us to Nigeria. He has prepared both of us by allowing us to serve in soul winning and bus ministry from when we were young. God has given us both unique opportunities preparing us for Nigeria. God allowed me to work with our missions agency, Fundamental Baptist Missions International, for 7 years as a volunteer, intern, and staff member giving me invaluable insights and training on the work missions. Also, my wife had the opportunity to work in the medical field after graduating from Bible college giving her great skills and knowledge that will assist us once on the field.

Victory Baptist Church
1170 US- 202
Winthrop, ME 04364


Phone Number
Mailing Address


Attn: Caleb Christiansen

507 State St

Hammond, IN 46320

Physical Location
Abuja, Nigeria
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #209.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


  • thumbnail of Caleb Christiansen Nov-Dec 2024 Prayer LetterI hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s season. I personally love this time of year, focusing on the coming of our Saviour and then thinking on what we can accomplish with Him in the New Year.

    Thank you to everyone who prayed for the Ladies’ Conference here at our church. Despite only landing in Nigeria 2½ weeks before the conference, God definitely helped, and the conference went very well. There were about 150 ladies present, with 30 churches represented. God used your prayers to help the ladies and pastors’ wives who came. A shining moment for me was hearing a pastor’s wife, whom we know doesn’t like to travel but prefers to stay in her home area, say on the last day, “I’m not ready to go back home. I want the conference to continue.” Please pray, as we will have our next conference this June in the Southwest of Nigeria so that more ladies who could not travel to our church can attend and be helped.

    In December, my whole family had the blessing of going with the Holmes family to Morogoro, Tanzania, to help Missionary Jerry Wyatt III put on their first SMITE Camp. SMITE has helped train our young people so well in giving the Gospel and conducting Bible Clubs for children. It was a wonderful time, as we had 35 young people from the church come for the SMITE training. Through the week of teenagers conducting Bible Clubs, we saw 523 children come to the clubs and 212 children get saved! It was an extra encouragement to us that we could stay with the Morrow family, friends from Bible college who have been working with the Wyatts in Tanzania. It was wonderful catching up with them and seeing them work faithfully for the Lord. Emma and Lydia were thrilled to see monkeys out and about in Tanzania since we have no monkeys in our area of Nigeria.

    Many of you have been praying for a church plant that we helped to start back in May. Salem Independent Baptist Church has been doing well, with high days near 70 people and over 200 people saved since May. Thank you, as your support and prayers have helped make this church possible.

    That all the world may know,

    Caleb Christiansen

    FBMI Missionary Caleb Christiansen Prayer Letter Picture

    SMITE Camp in Morogoro, Tanzania

    Published On: January 13th, 2025Tags: , ,