“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” (Mark 13:10)
“This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23)
Bro. Curtis Hall loaded BEST Missions’ 44th container in Rogers, Arkansas, containing 1,256 cases of John and Romans. The container was sent to our BEST Distribution Center in Bangkok, Thailand, where Tan delivers them to pastors and missionaries all over Southeast Asia.
Bro. Sam Martin of World Wide Bearing Precious Seed will load BEST’s 45th container after Christmas with whole Bibles in Thai, Burmese, and English languages, along with Thai New Testaments and John and Romans, which will go into the hands of young people in public schools during the Christmas outreach in December and on into January.
The Thai whole Bible project is almost finished. These are being printed in Thailand, which saves BEST a lot of money. Praise the Lord!
My preaching engagements were very limited during this month. However, it allowed me to get caught up on a few things. It has been two years and seven months since my wife’s kidney transplant, which was very successful. She still has to go back to Dallas every three months for a checkup.As we come to the close of this excellent year, we think on how good God has been to BEST Missions. We want to thank you so much for your prayers and support. We want to wish you and yours best wishes for the New Year.
As we look forward to a very good new year, may we all never forget that there are folks in this world who do not have a copy of God’s Word. May we all work together to eliminate this problem. Remember what the Bible says! “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” (I Corinthians 15:34) Over half of the world has never seen a Bible in their own language—shame on us!
We moved into our lovely new house before Christmas. Our kids paid special attention to putting in wide doors (for walkers) and a lot of lights for my wife; she is losing her eyesight due to macular degeneration. Each of our kids took part in getting it finished and ready to move into.
The BEST Missions “Daily Guide & Checklist” is ready be to delivered to your folks. It’s the best way in the world to keep up with your daily Bible reading. Please let me know how many you will need, and I will make sure you get them.
Thank you for all of your help. May the Lord make 2025 the greatest year of our lives.
Into all the world,
Brother Bowen
Luke 1:37
“This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23) The BEST Missions Conference is on Labor Day every year at Colonial Baptist C [...]
We started off the month with preaching the Wednesday night service for our good friend, Pastor Danny Dodson, at Central Baptist Church in Center, Tex [...]
“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” (Mark 13:10) The very God of Heaven would not command His people to do something without e [...]