Annabel de Vallejo Home2023-09-05T11:53:20-05:00




On January 23, 1999, a church van was returning from a Bible conference when there was a fatal accident leaving 3 of our dear ladies dead and 12 injured. One was the 5-month-old bride of our Assistant Pastor Juan Manuel Vallejo and another was his mother. From the time of the accident until the time that I was able to arrive to the scene, Juan Manuel Vallejo won 33 souls to Christ including hard hearted policemen, ambulance helpers and people that stopped to see the accident, among others.

Juan Manuel knew that his mother and his bride were right with God and were in the center of God’s will. Juan Manuel and his wife, Annabel de Vallejo, had surrendered to go to Brazil as missionaries. Our church had voted one month before the accident during our mission’s conference to save up enough money to send them on a survey trip to Brazil before they went on deputation. Juan Manuel’s mother Consuelo de Vallejo was quite a soul-winner. The night before her home-going, waiting to get into the building for the Bible Conference, she was winning souls. The other lady, Rosa, was also a dear dedicated Christian.

The accident was no accident in God’s plans but Juan asked, “Pastor, why would God let this happen?” As I pondered this, I visited the hospital of the other injured. One young lady, 15 years old, named Gloria Ramirez was in a comma in the Intensive Care Unit and was not expected to live. She recuperated by God’s help and I talked to her. She told me, that she had no one to take care of her when she left the hospital. I began to tell her of the Lester Roloff homes that used to take care of girls like her. God then began dealing with me to help her and others like her.

I told Juan that maybe from this “accident” we could start a Home to help and to train young people. I told him that maybe God would use this Home to see these people live for God and maybe they would be responsible to see hundreds and maybe thousands saved. This is our purpose. Our motto verse is Psalm 68:6, “God setteth the solitary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” We hope to help people that have been left to themselves and to help people that have been bound in sin.

In March of 1999, I took Juan Manuel to Pastor’s School in my home church, The First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana; to get his mind off the accident. While we were there my preacher, Dr. Jack Hyles, called us into his office and wanted to know about the accident. Later in the week, he called us on the platform and told the story and gave us $5,000.00 as well as an offering to start the Annabel de Vallejo Home. He also started a scholarship in honor of Juan’s mother, Consuelo de Vallejo and another in Juan Manuel Vallejo’s name for one young man and one young lady to go to Hyles-Anderson College as long as the college and the Annabel de Vallejo Home are in existence.

We would appreciate your prayers and support for the Annabel de Vallejo Home.

Yours for Souls,

Missionary Robert Murillo


Guadalajara , Mexico




You can financially support our ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #9022.


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Annabel de Vallejo Home Prayer Letter: We Are Blessed!

Annabel de Vallejo Home Prayer Letter: We Are Blessed!We apologize for the late update. We had several major issues come up, and we ask for your prayers for us. The children’s home is doing great, for which we praise the Lord. It has not been an easy road, but we are blessed. The children are almost done with school for this year and are getting ready to have a wonderful summer.

These past few months, we have been working on a major project with the lighting system (electricity). We had to put in new light poles and a bigger meter, since we are praying to continue building on to the Annabel Home. We are getting ready to plant vegetables and grow some crops for the home. The kids love working to help plant some seeds.

The Lord has really used Iglesia Bautista Hananeel to be a blessing to us. They have given us dried food and a love offering for the home. The Lord has used Pastor Jimenez to be a blessing to the Annabel Home. My sister Talitha was able to go to Mexico for a couple of weeks and help in the home, and it was such a beautiful time. We also want to thank an anonymous donor who donated some finances for a vehicle for the home. Thank you!

We are praying that we will hopefully be able to open the Roland Garlick Home this year. My parents worked for many years with this project, and we are praying it will come to pass. Please help us pray that the Lord will send us more workers so we can take in more children. There is such a need to help abandoned and abused children. This was my parents’ dream. We also want to thank Hno. Jeronimo and his team for being such a big support to the home.

The Lord is good and merciful, and we will always be grateful for that.

In Christ,

Annabel Home

Prayer Requests

1. Please pray for more workers so that we can take in more children.
2. Please pray for the finances for school for the next year.
3. Please pray that we can get the electricity paperwork finished and that the Lord will provide to finish it.

June 1st, 2024|Tags: , |



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