George and Barb Zarris Prayer Letter: A New Life!

By |2023-02-03T21:07:55-06:00February 10th, 2023|Categories: Christian Radio International, George Zarris Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Isolated. Outcast. That’s how Abed and his family felt while living in poverty in a rural village in Iran. Abed had no dream for a better future, but he did wish for something to take his mind off of the harsh realities of his meager existe [...]

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Keith and Kelly Hamilton Prayer Letter: New Paint, New Floors, and New Members

By |2023-02-03T21:21:41-06:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: Keith Hamilton Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I apologise for being a couple of weeks late getting this letter out, but I was finally able to sit down and just get it written. The following is much of what happened during the last two months of 2022. November Keith II finally got his c [...]

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Peter and Melody Morris Prayer Letter: A Busy Start to 2023

By |2023-02-06T11:11:46-06:00February 7th, 2023|Categories: Peter Morris Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Christmas and New Year’s holidays have been a blessing, and we thank you for your faithfulness, which has made that possible. The new year has started off quickly, with our first Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA) meeting from Janua [...]

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Garry and Mindy Tingson Prayer Letter: An Exciting New Work!

By |2023-02-03T22:07:58-06:00February 6th, 2023|Categories: Garry Tingson Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

With much prayer, counsel, and evident leading by the Lord, we have chosen to plant a church in the coastal town of Port Macquarie or “Port.” It is a “town” of over 73,000 in population, and it is growing rapidly. It is situated right betwe [...]

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Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Visitors from the States

By |2023-02-02T11:09:44-06:00February 5th, 2023|Categories: Missionary #6011, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Thank you all for your faithful and consistent prayers and support and for all the cards, notes, emails, gifts for birthdays and our anniversary, and extra monies for Christmas! We are truly blessed and so greatly appreciate those of you wh [...]

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Charlie and Kay Vest Prayer Letter: A Challenging Year

By |2023-02-03T16:50:40-06:00February 5th, 2023|Categories: Dr. Charlie Vest Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In our last letter, I mentioned about my son Chad being treated for throat cancer and asked you to pray for his healing. It was a tremendous struggle for him, as he could not eat or swallow and was unable to speak. On Christmas Eve, he lost [...]

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Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: New Church Plant

By |2023-01-30T10:10:09-06:00February 4th, 2023|Categories: Jonathan and Laura Bryan|Tags: , |

OUR PRAISES We are so thankful that we have seen a number of people return to church services as a result of our Vacation Bible School this past summer. As a result of getting saved, we are now seeing adults who were children in our church [...]

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Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter: Praise the Lord for Thousands Saved and Four New Books!

By |2023-02-03T21:19:19-06:00February 4th, 2023|Categories: Darrell Ratcliff Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you so much for all your love, prayers, support, cards, emails, gifts, and other acts of kindness this past year. Only Heaven will truly reward you for all you have done to help us reach precious souls with the Gospel. Please continue [...]

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Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Reaching Children and Teens with the Gospel

By |2023-02-02T09:36:45-06:00February 3rd, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tim Simmons Family|Tags: , |

We are in the middle of summer here in Uruguay, which is a great time to have special events aimed at reaching children. During the school year, some families are busy with soccer and other activities on Sundays. We are thankful for how the [...]

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Oral and Alicia Anderson Prayer Letter: Christmas Day Baptism

By |2023-01-31T16:17:30-06:00February 2nd, 2023|Categories: Oral Anderson, Prayer Letters|

New Violins A few months ago, the Women’s Missionary Society of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, donated some violins to our ministry. While we were very thrilled to have these additional instruments, there was a problem: we did no [...]

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