We are very thankful that God has gifted us with another year to serve Him here in Belize. There is always a sort of joy and anticipation that comes with January. We’ve already gotten out our year- long calendar and marked our goals and events out for the year. Pray with us that this year would be a year of many souls saved.
Since our last prayer letter, we have seen many new visitors walk through the doors of both churches. Iglesia Bautista Fe in Corozal is quickly approaching its one-year anniversary in April. It has been a joy to see families being faithful and growing from this church plant. December was an especially busy month. The holiday season was filled with outreach programs and many people trusting Christ.
Iglesia Bautista Sublime Gracia in Orange Walk has been doing well also. The Lord added six new families over the course of this year. We have also seen a jump in attendance in our Youth Department. Our intern, Alfredo Lara, has been a huge blessing working with our teens. Pray for us as we continue to march forward for the Lord. We have so many activities planned for this year; and, as always, we will be focusing on getting people saved.
Prayer Requests
1. This year we have four teams scheduled to help us with our soul-winning campaigns and Vacation Bible School. Please pray that we can be a blessing to these visitors and for souls to be saved.
2. We are still in the process of building our dorm rooms. There are three rooms, which will be used to host teams and guest speakers. They will also be used for additional Sunday school space. We are grateful to Pacific Baptist Church in Long Beach, California, for donating towards this project. Please pray that we might be able to finish these rooms by April.
Israel & Tonya Alvarez