Ed and Maribel Johnson2023-11-17T16:00:43-06:00




Ed Birthday 12/23
Maribel Birthday 10/10
Ed & Maribel Wedding Anniversary 08/02
Abigail Birthday 05/29
Daniel Birthday 02/26

First Baptist Church

473 Sibley St, Hammond, IN 46320

phone: (219) 932-0711



(720) 421-6737




You can financially support our ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Team Brazil.



Team Brazil Update: The Renewed Blessings of God

Team Brazil Update: The Renewed Blessings of GodWinter has come to an end, and spring is beginning. Though the change in seasons isn’t as noticeable in Brazil as it is in many parts of the United States, I am reminded of new life, new beginnings, and the renewed blessings of God in springtime. God is always good, but sometimes we go through seasons of perceived blessings more than others. God has been very good to us these last few months.

Youth Retreat

The week of Easter, Maribel and I spoke at a Youth Retreat in Limeira (about three hours away). This is the city where I was saved, baptized, called to preach, and spent my teenage years before going to Bible college. There were close to 100 teenagers in attendance. We praise the Lord for the salvation decisions and the many decisions made regarding their spiritual lives.

Missions Conferences

Our ministry’s most important conference of the year is the Missions Conference. This year, Bro. Josiel and his family, a Brazilian missionary whose work is a three-day’s drive from here, were with us. Souls were saved, Christians surrendered to the ministry, and our Faith Promise missions giving commitment went up by almost 25 percent! Praise the Lord!
The weekend following our Missions Conference, I had the privilege of preaching a Missions Conference for fellow missionary, Keith Putnam. Daniel played the cello during the congregational singing. It was a blessing to preach and see what the Lord is doing there.

Youth Conference

We had our fourth Youth Conference in June. Every year, it has been evangelistic, with a focus on trying to reach new teens. Many visitors came, souls were saved, and many of our teens made decisions. Since then, we have had three families that are still coming as a result of the conference, including Lucas, who was baptized a couple of weeks ago.

Pastors’ Conference

In July, we had the privilege of having my sending pastor, Pastor John Wilkerson, here to preach for our first Pastors’ Conference. I wish I could express how much of a blessing it was. Around 50 pastors, along with many of their wives, and many other ministry leaders were able to participate, traveling from all over Brazil. What a blessed time of encouragement, challenge, and instruction it was. Pastor Wilkerson and First Baptist Church were a true blessing and had a great impact on the conference. Immediately after the conference, the pastors expressed to us how God had worked throughout the conference and urged us to host this conference again next year.

Salvation Stories

My wife and I went to visit Lucas and his mom Laura. Lucas has been coming to our church for several months. He was saved and baptized in one of our church services, and we were going for a pastoral visit. His mom has come with him off and on to church. I was able to lead Laura to the Lord at approximately 10:00 p.m.!

Geison started coming to church about a month ago after being invited by one of our church members. He comes from a Pentecostal background but was away from church for a long time in his life. My wife and I were able to visit him and his family. His wife and teen daughter both accepted Christ. They have been coming regularly to church. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.

Family News

This year, we had a special Mother’s Day. My wife’s brother and his family came to Brazil, along with my mother-in-law, for a two-week trip. We had a great time with them and were so happy they were able to come. It was extra special because my wife was able to celebrate Mother’s Day with her mother here in Brazil!

We were also very excited to have Abigail with us for the “summer” (Brazilian winter). She just returned to the States for her second year in Bible college where she is studying music. She is very involved in the ministry and is doing a great job. Daniel has been taking some classes in our Bible institute and dedicates a lot of time to the piano, as well as the cello. Maribel and I are so blessed to see our kids serving and walking with the Lord.

Prayer Requests

• Nehemiah Project (fundraising for the purchase of land)
• Caçapava Church Plant (new church plant in a neighboring city)
• Anniversary Conference in a few weeks

Please continue to uplift us in your prayers. We love you and appreciate you so much. Thank you for your faithfulness and service to the Lord. May God’s grace continue to abound toward you!

In the service of the King,

The Ed Johnson Family
Church-Planting Missionaries in Brazil Since 2008

September 25th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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