Henry & Tammie Gonzalez2023-10-06T09:55:28-05:00




Henry Birthday 11/25
Tammie Birthday 04/03
Henry & Tammie Wedding Anniversary 12/27
Daniel Birthday 12/20
Tommy Joel Birthday 11/07
Brenda Carol Birthday 04/17
Grace Birthday 09/12

We are a soul winning ministry reaching the city of Santa Ana, the second largest city in the country of El Salvador. We want to reach the entire nation by training national preacher boys to start churches in every surrounding area and, eventually, all over the nation. To this end was the Bible institute started. We are now extending our outreach into the entire Central American region by a biannual Pastor´s Conference held in our church. God has allowed us the blessing of now seeing our ministry being led by those who were originally reached through our ministry.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Apdo. Postal #14,
Santa Anna, El Salvador
Central America
Apdo. Postal #14,
Santa Anna, El Salvador
Central America
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #19.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Great Results and God’s Blessings

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Great Results and God's BlessingsJuly and August have been months of a lot of work with great results. It is always rewarding to see results and God’s blessings upon the work.

Each Sunday night of July, we had a different guest pastor come and give us their testimony of God’s work in their lives. I have to say that my favorite was Manases Rivera. He was 12 years old when former Missionary Steve Shawver brought him to church. Manases received Christ, was baptized, and was very active in our youth group. When he was ready to start high school, his father gave him two choices: quit school and church and work to provide for their family or leave home.

Manases’ very wise mother came to me and asked me to take her son and become his legal guardian. Manases lived in one of the Sunday school classrooms, ate his meals at a church member’s house across the street, attended high school and our Bible institute at the same time, graduated from Bible school, got married, started four churches in neighboring towns, and has been faithful to the Lord and God’s purpose in his life. Praise be to God!

In August, we were allowed to go into 6 different rural public schools to take the Gospel and give New Testaments to all students and teachers. We preached a clear presentation of the Gospel to 769 people, and 292 of them professed Christ as Saviour. Our assistant pastor, Jimmy Trujillo, and our son Daniel organized this evangelistic outreach. There truly is no greater joy than to see the next generation carry the torch, following Christ in service.

Please pray that God will work in the hearts and minds of the many servants of God who will be attending our annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. It starts in 12 days! We are preparing in prayer, organizing, and getting the church building ready to host hundreds of guests. I am amazed at how God is already working. There are many coming for the first time. This is an exciting time of year for our church.

Thank you for investing in prayer and finances for us to be here in El Salvador serving the Lord. We know that without your sacrifice, we would not be able to be here. Please pray for us.

Joyfully in his service,

Henry Gonzalez

September 17th, 2024|Tags: , |



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