Brian & Liesl George2023-10-06T09:36:48-05:00




Brian Birthday 09/29
Liesl Birthday 07/04
Brian & Liesl Wedding Anniversary 09/04
Benjamin Birthday 12/08
Samuel Birthday 10/30
Ezequiel Birthday 11/04
Elizabeth Birthday 04/15
Rose Birthday 03/14

Brian’s Testimony:

At the age of seven, I was saved at Prairie Flower Baptist Church in Washington, IA. At the age of thirteen my father baptized me in our church in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

At nine years of age my family went to Argentina as missionaries to start Baptist churches. It was a great adventure to live in a foreign country with people that speak a different language. I learned the customs of the Argentines and to live like them. I helped my family in the work; street preaching, passing out tracks, teaching a class, and leading the singing. My parents were missionaries in Argentina for 36 years.

In 1985, I enrolled at Hyles-Anderson College. Wile there I learned more about soul wining, and how to preach better. As I was majoring in missions, God confirmed my calling to be a missionary to Argentina. In May 25, 1991, I graduated and was ordained into the ministry in November 27, 1991.

Liesl’s Testimony:

Wile my parents, Clayton and Cheri Livingood, were in the U.S. Navy stationed in Rota, Spain; we attended a good church that preached the Gospel. At a young age, I realized my need for Jesus to save me from an everlasting punishment in Hell. With my mother’s guidance, I asked the Lord to forgive me for my sins and take me to Heaven when I die. Later, at the age of 15, I was baptized.

In 1982, my parents returned to Spain as missionaries. I helped them there until the fall of 1988 when I went to Hyles-Anderson College. While working in their Spanish ministry, I met Brian. We praise God for bringing us together and allowing us to work together as missionaries in Tucuman, Argentina.

By Faith, Let’s Go Forward
Your missionaries in Argentina since 1996!
Fundamental, Soul-winning, Separated, KJV, Local Church, Church Planting on the Field

Marion Avenue Baptist Church
215 S Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353


Mailing Address
P.O. Box 326
Washington, IA 52353
Field Address
Avda Francisco de Aguirre 2050
4000 San Miguel de Tucuman
Prov. of Tucuman, Argentina
Phone Number
FBMI Email
Other Email




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #4.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: Missions Conference

Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: Missions ConferenceDuring March, we made a 10-hour trip to Posadas, Misiones, to be with our son Benjamin. He is starting a new church! While we were there, our daughter Rose had her 15th birthday. I took her to the Iguazu Falls to see the spectacular wonders of the falls!

During April, we had our annual Missions Conference here at Bethel Baptist Church. The church supports 28 missionaries serving in Argentina, Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, and the United States. Our people have giving hearts, and we were able to increase our giving by 200%. Praise the Lord! Our church just sent out our first foreign missionary to Chile. The Rodrigo Contreras family just left for Chile to start churches. We are super excited for this family that is living by faith. They need monthly support and a vehicle to do the work of the Lord. Please pray for this family!

Bethel Baptist Church is going strong! We have over 60 students in our Bible college, and the church is full to overflowing every Sunday. We are working on starting new churches all over the northern area of Argentina. We are seeing growth and revival among our church plants. There is a need for chairs, benches, PA systems, megaphones, Bibles, baptisteries, vehicles, buses, etc. Our men have started to make benches out of pallet wood. Please pray for the urgent need for 1,000 plastic stackable chairs. Praise the Lord!

During the first week of July, I will be in Texas to visit my mother in a nursing home. She is 84 years old, and I would like to spend a few days with her. I will be in the U.S. for just one week. Pray that my travels will go smoothly and that I will be able to get some much-needed supplies into my suitcases and back to Argentina.

Thank you for your prayers and regular support! We are very grateful for all your help! May God richly bless you!

Here to serve,

Brian R. George and Family

May 30th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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