At the start of this New Year, we have seen what the prophet Ezekiel wrote of many years ago: “. . . I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.” (Ezekiel 34:26)
Our theme for 2015 is taken from Nehemiah 2:18, “Let Us RISE UP and Build.” We are focusing on spiritual revival and growth. It is our desire to see tangible results in our personal lives, as well as in the life and ministry of the Anchor Baptist Church. As of today we have seen 10 precious souls accept Jesus as Saviour and 6 precious souls follow the Lord in believer’s baptism! We are thankful to the Lord for these showers of blessings!
I would ask that you pray with us for the following:
• Spiritual growth
• Souls saved and baptized
• Personal Evangelism classes February 21, 28, and March 7 (We have over 30 people enrolled.)
• A missions trip Brianna and I will be taking in June to Honduras and El Salvador
• Caleb spending one month this summer in Uganda (You will receive a letter in the near future about this trip.)
Our family is well aware that so many continue to pray for the ministry here in the Vancouver area. We thank you for interceding on our behalf. We also want to thank you for your continued financial support. Our desire is to faithfully press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!
If your church would like to send a group on a missions trip, we would be honored to host them. There is a great need for more independent Baptist churches in this multi-cultural city. Please consider a short-term missions trip to Vancouver!!
In Christ’s service,
Ben Turner